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Parboiled rice for rice sock?

Parboiled rice for rice sock?

Hello. I’ve been thinking about chaning my warming up method and I got interested in the rice sock, cause: it’s easy, fast and not messy. I have heard people saying you should only use white rice or flax seed to fill the sock but I only have parboiled rice at home. I was wondering if it is ok to use parboiled rice to fill the sock, since I’ve heard you should not use fast cooking or pre-cook rice but parboiled takes longer than white rice to cook, so should I use it? I thinking yes but I just want to be sure I don’t destroy my microwave :) . I’m sorry if this question has been cleared before but I checked out six rice sock threads and none talk about parboiled :( .

You won’t destroy the micro wave, but you can destroy your sock, or the rice may not stay hot for long enough.

Besides why don’t you buy white rice as recommended?

I actually used the rice sock made with parboiled rice this morning and have no problem whatosever with it, but I noticed it doesn’t stay hot for long, although I’m fine with it because I only warm up for 5 minutes. White rice would stay hot for longer time but I don’t have any experience with rice socks so I can’t compare. I can’t use white rice right now cause there’s food shortage in my country and the pack I’m using right now is parboiled cause I couldn’t find white in the supermarket.

Originally Posted by ignacius
Hello. I’ve been thinking about chaning my warming up method and I got interested in the rice sock, cause: it’s easy, fast and not messy. I have heard people saying you should only use white rice or flax seed to fill the sock but I only have parboiled rice at home. I was wondering if it is ok to use parboiled rice to fill the sock, since I’ve heard you should not use fast cooking or pre-cook rice but parboiled takes longer than white rice to cook, so should I use it? I thinking yes but I just want to be sure I don’t destroy my microwave :) . I’m sorry if this question has been cleared before but I checked out six rice sock threads and none talk about parboiled :( .

Parboiled rice is to dense. That is the reason it takes longer to prepare, as a result, it may stay hot long enough, because the surface of the rice is going to be hot and not the center. I tried it before many many years ago. Buy some white rice, it is inexpensive. You can make 2 rice socks.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
Parboiled rice is to dense. That is the reason it takes longer to prepare, as a result, it may stay hot long enough, because the surface of the rice is going to be hot and not the center. I tried it before many many years ago. Buy some white rice, it is inexpensive. You can make 2 rice socks.

He just explained that he can’t get it in the stores in his country!

:_pump: :donatecar

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