Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE has my wife cumming in her sleep...

PE has my wife cumming in her sleep...

Poor girl. Very strict religious upbringing and all the associated sexual hang ups that go with it. She is slowly cumming out of her shell, pun intended.

Yesterday I noticed that she seemed to be paying total attention to my crotch. Everytime I looked her way she was staring at it. Everytime she was close enough she was copping a feel. Later she told me why.

The night before I had given her the best orgasm of her life. In her sleep :)
She had dreamt that we were having at it, and she got her rocks off like never before. I asked her what made it so special, and she said “your cock was huge…” When I pressed her for details, she retreated into her sexually repressed shelter, and said she couldn’t remember. I continued asking her if it was really long and rubbed her deep, or so thick that it stretched her wide, or both :) She just got embarrased. I told her just wait, it’ll be reality before you know it…

I’m 100% confident that she remembers her dream in vivid detail. But this is evidence that my pe plan is working better than I expected. She’s gonna be my cock slave before this is over with… :)


Your stories are the best. You almost feel like you were there in person.



I’m not sure RB wants to think of us being there in person … ;)


I love when you share your stories! I’m so happy for you, I mean that. I can only imagine how good this makes you feel and how you must feel knowing that you can “mold” your penis into the dick of your wife’s dreams. This is great.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

I'm 100% confident that she remembers her dream in vivid detail.
Isn’t that funny, they just retreat back into “I don’t remember” , or “Oh, I don’t know”. Drives you crazy sometimes, like how can you not know?

Wouldn’t it be nice to be privy to those most private fantasies? Most women never let you go there. Pity, we could learn so much, and it would benefit them in the end. I think it might frighten us to know the extent of their desires. Ever read “My Secret Garden”?

But this is evidence that my pe plan is working better than I expected.
Good for you. What are the details of your plan?

My Plan:

  • PE my dick into a mammoth, fleshy, protuberance of throbbing wanton sexuality.
  • Have my wife confess she thinks and dreams of having my monster unit ravish her constantly, filling her to the extent that she actually sees God.
  • Make other units appear like common grubs by comparison.
  • Develop my sexual prowess to powers bordering on the demonic.
  • Stay out of jail.
  • Eat less carbs.

I think I can do this all on the 72 hour plan, starting……. now.

Excellent post RB, thanks.

And you’re coming up on the 1k posting - congrats if I miss it !!!

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Hey, no fair copying my plan… :)

Thanks for the kind words. I do feel great, having been small all my live and very conscious of it, I just KNEW she’d love being fucked by a bigger dick, and I was RIGHT!


The plan was pretty much to design my penis to fit her just a bit more than perfectly, long enough to rule her deep spots no matter the position, thick enough to make her eyes and mouth open wide and head fall back as I work it into her, and basically last long enough to make her cum like a banshee…

The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer everyday :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

It’s like JAPP posted just a bit ago:
The main thing I've learned about women since I've been involved with PE is that ALL women like them big, whether they admit it or not!

Damn, that’s a good plan.

OK, I’m switching to yours.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.


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