Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE interfering with sex life


PE interfering with sex life

I have been a long time lurker on here and back on PE Forums. At least a few years I would say. I never got into PE, I was just reading and thinking about PE. I did some exercises but never for more than a day or two.

About two weeks ago, I started some exercises, and have the intention to keep them going. I jelq and stretch. However, whenever I jelq, I have red dots on the skin. I am not worried about the dots per se, because they go away within a day or less, but the problem is, that I do not want my wife to know that I PE. Red dots are hampering that. I told her that I didn’t know what it was and she wanted me to see a doctor. Is there anything that I can do to reduce or eliminate the appearance of red dots? The only time when I do not get them is when I jelq lightly or have a lot of warm-up before and during jelqing. However, most of the time, I do not have the convenience of warm towel. Since I do not want my wife to find out that I am doing this, I cannot have red dots. When I do, I have to hide them by not having sex, and certainly to blow jobs. This kind of defeats the purpose of getting a larger member, if I cannot use it all the time.

How do you deal with red dots? Are red dots necessary to have gains, or is it only a sign of too much stress and is not related to gains at all?

Oh, and no, I can’t tell my wife. She thinks that I am ok as I am right now. Furthermore, she would think that I am sick or worse. But hey, if it is possible to gain without her finding out, I would like to continue doing these exercise for my own peace of mind and get to the size that I would like to be.

"The Lord giveth, the government taketh away."

hrabia, welcome to the forum. You have a tough situation. The only way to get around telling her would be lieing to her. I still get red spots and I am over 2 years in and I don’t know how I would explain them to my girl if she did not know about PE.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Maybe lighten up on your jelking some. Make your jelking more of a stretch exercise than a “squeeze” one. Unlike DLD I never got red dots from jelking and I’ve done a lot of it. But he’s into some very fancy stuff.

Since you’re doing Stealth PE, just take a few minutes to wrap with a warm washcloth. It doesn’t take long to heat a penis through.

Gains are usually so gradual that wives/partners don’t notice for a long time. If she does notice a change you can always tell her that she is such a turn-on to you that she makes your dick expand. She’ll love hearing it.




tell your wife.


You didn’t mention your current measurements. You can do certain length exercises like stretching, which shouldn’t leave red spots. I used to be in your same situation, and here’s what I did.

At night after the wife was asleep, I’d get 100% hard, then *carefully* push my dick down (think of turning on and off a light switch) toward my feet, and hold it for a minute or two, or until it softened up. Then I’d get hard again and repeat the process. Sometimes I’d cross my legs and lodge it in place so I didn’t have to hold it there with my hand. The trick to this move is working up to it because it generates some pretty good pressure inside. I got my first 1” length and .5” girth from doing just this one move.

I know there’s a name for this particular move, and I hope some of the vets here will help me out here with that, as well as any other specific precautions or other recommendations about this exercise.

Yup. Tell her.. You guys are married and she should/will support you in everything you decide to do (if it isn’t illegal). Just tell her that you want to try this weird stuff you found on Internet just to see that if it really works.

A Man behind his mask.

“honey, I found some exercises recommended on the internet that are supposed to keep my penis healthy so I won’t have erectile problems as I get older. I’m gonna do them. Hey, wouldn’t that be great if they made my dick bigger?” :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Originally posted by RB
“honey, I found some exercises recommended on the internet that are supposed to keep my penis healthy so I won't have erectile problems as I get older. I'm gonna do them. Hey, wouldn't that be great if they made my dick bigger?” :)

What a great way to break the news. Good Show RB!

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


Like phat said tell her, it’s your dick and you can do what you want with it and if she is going to get pissed and give you a hard time well that’s no way to live, that you have to worry about being afraid to be yourself. If you want a big dick and it doesn’t hurt her, you should be able to go for it and if she was a good wife she would support you. So tell her and if she don’t like it tell her to get over it. “Did I mention I’m getting divorced” Dude grow your balls back and I mean this in a nice way I’m not attacking you personally but I hear it all the time on the boards guys are so afraid to be themselves in front of there wives and if you cant be yourself in front of the person you share your life with…………………..why bother.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I also was fearful about how my wife would react to my telling her about PE. Then, one day, I said “enough already”. I’m a grown man. I’ve never been happy with my size and I’m going to do something about it. When I told her, she started to react badly, but I wouldn’t have it. I said, “Look, this is safe, it works, and I want to do it to improve myself!” Later she said OK, but she hoped that I was doing it for “us” and not to get a bigger dick to go out and screw other women. I assured her that wasn’t the case and she has accepted my PE since then. Believe me, if you are serious about PE, you need to tell her.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

My wife thought my pre-pe size was “fine” as well. She’s gone from having occaisional orgasms to multiples everytime we make love. She hasn’t told me to stop yet :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I suggest using timing of your PE to your advantage so that the red spots are less noticeable by the time you make love to your wife.

So, the optimum time for you to PE for this purpose would be as soon as possible after sex. This gives you the maximum recovery time before exposing your member again.

Lightening up your jelk as mentioned before is combination with timing might go a long ways.

This is how I handle it.

I have never lived this long before. - Dash

I agree with everyone who suggested that you tell her. In the long run that will be the easiest. You can break it to her gradually, and maybe even get her interested in it with you.

In my case, I’ve decide to not tell my girlfriend about PE until I’ve gained an inch. At that point I’ll share it with her, and I’m sure that she’ll be very supportive. I don’t want to tell her now because she’s a worrier and I think she might be worried that I’ll somehow injure myself. I think that once I’ve grown and inch and show it to her then she’ll worry about it less and actually even cheer me on.

When I first started PE I would get the red dots from jelquing and manual stretching. Now I don’t get them anymore. If you do want to keep it secret from her, I think you need to take it a little bit easier and over the course of several weeks work your way up to a more vigorous routine.

I’ve not told my wife yet and I get red dots. I’m getting away with it at the moment by timing and mood lighting.

I can see that your problem has gone beyond this as she’s already seen the dots and is concerned that you’ve probably got some sort of STD! I’m sure that she’s gonna keep a good eye on yours now (Jap’s eye that is!).

I can’t seen any other way than to tell her. But I like the ‘healthier dick’ angle. After all, it wouldn’t be a lie. You wouldn’t even have to tell her that it’s got anything do do with increasing size, but I’m sure that after a while when she notices the size difference herself, she won’t have any complaints about this ‘side effect’, lol.

Good luck

I don’t have that red dot problem any more ,but in the past years I found that if I did not have time for a warm-up session ,I could get a small plastic bag, the soft thin type,put in side it enough water to make it moist,and a liberal amount of hand ,skin softener,then insert the penis and balls ,and put a rubber band around it ,to hold it there. Make sure to squeeze out all the air.If left in place for 2-3 hr it will soften the skin before pumping or jelking.Hey ! it worked for me ,try it before you knock the idea.


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