PE, taking time off, and overcoming personal obstacles
Well after the longest break I’ve had from PE since I started (was always afraid to stop, as if there was some kind of three month beginning period to PE where you make no gains and have to repeat it if you take one rest day too many), I feel completely inspired - moreso than ever before - and decided to share my stories to possibly help out some other people that are in similar situations to the one I was in.
Round about this time last month, I was pretty fed up with a lot of things in life, and it’s amazing how good it feels when you just let go and start relaxing instead of working so damn hard all the time. Ever since Christmas, my PE routines have been sketchy to say the least. Constantly changing, and never feeling right, I haven’t had a complete “working week” (typically 5 days on, 2 off) to my recollection since December… possibly even November.
When I first started PE I was so desparate for a larger penis that I forced myself to stick to routines, even though I really didn’t want to and (dare I say it?) I really hated PE. It felt like such a chore, and I’d miserably perform the routine every night while watching videos to pass the time which seemed to drag on forever. At the time I was 17 (I am now 18) and the girl I wanted had gone with somebody else because I hadn’t dared to just go for it, because I felt my penis was too small. At 4.8” length I guess I wasn’t wrong. There is no way on earth I would have felt comfortable.
So from then on I stuck to routines, forcing myself to peform the exercises, telling myself I’d die a lonely man if I didn’t have a big dick. I had constant anxiety about the size of my penis.
This continued up until about the beginning of March. At the beginning of the year I decided to get a girlfriend. At that point I was up to just over 6”. Even with constantly changing routines and a terrible mindset, I still made good gains. She never mentions my penis being small. In fact, once or twice she has referred to it as big (but I can accept that this is not true. At 6.2” I am average).
So anyway, round about the beginning of March I just couldn’t face another PE workout and I decided to take a month off. The first week was easy. I was so glad to not have the burden of PE every day. The second week was also fairly easy, but going into the final week I was just itching to start PE again. I felt rejuvinated.
Most importantly, I had finally accepted that my size was enough. So 4.8” wasn’t enough, but even at 6” I was paranoid about it. My girlfriend is satisfied, so I have nothing to lose.
I also began thinking about the exercises more and about how they work. And as crazy as this sounds, even though I have gained 1.4” in length during my PE career, this time last month I still had doubts in my head as to whether PE really works or not. I know this sounds insane because I am living proof (and excellent living proof at that) that PE does indeed work, but I still felt like I did in the beginning… my head full of doubts, and that constant stress that all the labour might not garner any fruits.
But those three weeks can do weird things to the brain. Suddenly I really want to PE again. I’ve got what I need. I’m average. Anything I add now will make my dick above average. Then when I add some more I’ll have a big dick. And if I carry on I’ll have a huge dick. That’s the way it feels to me right now. And I can tell you, it feels pretty sweet. I feel like I’m on the way to my best gains ever, because I’m not feeling down all the time desparately trying to get a big dick. I’m performing the workouts and actually looking forward to them.
If you feel like shit about your PE, just let go for a few weeks and forget about it. It really sorts itself out.
PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.
Last edited by awwwshucks : 03-27-2003 at .