Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PEing in summer - not for me


Originally posted by Grower

I have to take the summer off from hanging due to kids being home. I'll work in a few dry jelq and uli sessions just for grins.

I’m in the same boat - trying to steal a few moments of dry jelqs, pulls, or ulis whenever I can. I hate not being able to do my full workout - hot wrap, wet jelqs, etc., etc.

Re: Summer? hmmmm....

Originally posted by BigJ
Still - I wouldn't want to live in Texas and be soaked in sweat all day, the grass is always greener I suppose.

No joke, BigJ. I do live in Texas and let me tell you we’ve just come off a few days in a row that were murder. You can literally work up a sweat tying your shoes. (I leave the AC off in the morning to save money.) Days like that you have to wait to put on your shirt until just before you walk out the door, and even then you got wetness by the time you get in the car.



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