Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Enlargement Pills


No but they seem to help my plants.


I like tongkat ali and have found it enhances libido and EQ, but doubt that it does anything for enlargement. But we all want to have sex, so go for it. I’ve found a 1/4 tsp (200:1) makes for great EQ.

I’ve actually tried taking VigRX for a couple of months. I only take 1 pill everyday with lunch, as opposed to the recommended 2/day. I can definitely say I have experienced the following effects:

1. I am so horny! I used to only need to get off a couple of times a week, but now I feel like I need to get off at least once or twice a day

2. My erection is a lot stronger and rock hard. And I find myself hard almost every morning, which is annoying when I’m running late for work.

3. When I cum it’s more intense than usual.

Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any increases in length or girth. I think my penis is “stubborn”, even when I pump the increase in size is minimal. I think I need to do lots of stretches and jelqs consistently over time to see real increases in size.

In short, I think VigRX is well worth the money if you want increased sex quality. And I reckon some people with more pliable penises may even see some temporary size increases due to the increased EQ.

Originally Posted by Tofer
I like tongkat ali and have found it enhances libido and EQ, but doubt that it does anything for enlargement. But we all want to have sex, so go for it. I’ve found a 1/4 tsp (200:1) makes for great EQ.

Quality Tongkat Ali at these quantities are know to boost free testosterone. This will defiantly help with PE. Mostly for guys over 30 though.

PE rules!!!

Sept ‘17: 5-3/4” BPEL X 4-1/8” MSEG

Now: 6-1/2” BPEL X 4-5/8” MSEG


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