Penis Pills , stupid ads, and shame.
There is a particular radio ad for a penis growth pill that cracks me up.
First: they say the pill will make you “thicker AND wider”, which is what women really want.
Isn’t thicker and wider the same thing? What the hell are they talking about?
Second : At the end of the ad they say the product is delivered in discreet packaging so no one will know what it is.
Isn’t this an unspoken admission that the damn things don’t work?
Think about it. If I truly believed that these pills where going to make my dick bigger,
I would want everyone to know I was taking them.
I would want everyone to know - especially women - that in 6 months I am going to have a BIG DICK!
Isn’t the fact that you have to hide them an admission that you are being a foolish sucker?
So I have to ask myself, why then do I still hide my pump and stretching equipment?
Why am I not telling everyone that I do this?
I guess the answer is that I have not seen enough evidence in my own experience that it is working - at least to
A reasonable satisfaction. I have made some definite girth and minor length gains, but not enough to brag about.
If I were to reach my goal of 7 in. Nbp I think I would not be shy about telling anyone about how I did it.
I mean who cares HOW I got a 7 in. Dick? The fact is, I have one, and it is something I would want everyone to know.
Not that I would go around announcing it to everyone I meet, but I would not be embarrassed about it.