>>>any woman who attempts to completely dismiss the significance of the pleasure of a big cock vs. a little cock is either lying or has personally experienced only smaller cocks.<<<
The latter of these explanations is very insightful. A lot of women have experienced only small variations in penis size. Of course little differences don’t matter much. Big differences can and most certainly do.
The former explanation is interesting. I agree with you, Wad, that women who say they don’t care about size, and who have experienced large variation in size, are often (though, IMO, not always) lying. I agree that self-reports on such a sensitive subject are not to be trusted, whether collected through everyday conversations or through formal research . Penis size is, for men, an equally sensitive subject; hence self-reports in this domain, too, are not to be taken too seriously, even when collected in a formal and anonymous survey (e.g., the Kinsey report).
So how do we ascertain the truth about either of these matters, when self-reports are notoriously imperfect? For the question of size’s importance to women, I think you’ve shown the very best way available to us: grow a bigger dick, and see how your woman’s reaction to sex changes (hot description, by the way!!). There’s no (ethical) way to carry out any sort of formal research on the topic that would give a more definitive answer, even though there are still difficult confounds affecting the question (e.g., as a guy’s penis grows bigger, his confidence in the sack grows too, which could be a mediating variable). On the other hand, with the question of the average penis size, there is a very easy, unproblematic way to answer the question more definitively: collect a statistically sufficient number of men together, and measure their penises. That’s why I started this thread: to show that this procedure has been carried out several times by a variety of researchers, and to share the results for those who care to know. There are still potential problems with the method — some studies did not induce 100% erection through a drug, perhaps diminishing the resultant average, while some asked for volunteers, perhaps inflating the average — but it seems far better than any other method available.
Shorter Para-Goomba: Different questions call for different methods.