Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PEP pilss

PEP pilss

Another pill to ‘give’ you 1”-1.5”. This website is a little different. It really comes off as “medically” proved. Note the group of doctors on the front page. After you dig down a bit and get to the pills ingredients you will find that they push the Chines medicine route. The ingredients are different though. Usually you see the same suspects, yohimbine, ginseng etc.. Did a google search on some of the ingredients and came up with what this website claims each ingredient does i.e used in liver treatment in traditional chinese medicine.

anybody know anything about these guys? btw they responded to email questions right away. I asked if using there exercise manual was required. The answer was “no” but you would get better, faster results if you did. When I started PE’ing I got almost an immdediate 1” gain. I postulate that many easy gainers (in the beginning) are really reclaming atrophied length. Then when we hit our natural size we call it a plateau. What it really is, is the time that we really have to go to work.


Not sure,

I’ve heard of Vig-RX though and I will probably get around to comparing ingredients.

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!


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