Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Perception of penis size


Perception of penis size

Does 8” dick feel like double of the 5” dick even if it’s only 60% bigger ?Assuming 2” from the base can’t enter easily in some positions.

So 8-2=6” ; 5-2=3”

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

It’s all about volume brother. There’s actually a pretty interesting thread on it, check it out.

I know what you’re saying with volume. I was referring to length here, like how far it goes inside a hole and by this hitting deeper nerves which adds to the perception of one’s penis size.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Makes sense alin.

2005: 5.5 EL & 5.6 EG, FL: 4in > Now: 7.5 NBP & 6.1 MEG, 5.8 BG (Goal: MORE !)

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Everytime I Visit Thunders, I Do 50 Kegels or More

Originally Posted by alin
I know what you’re saying with volume. I was referring to length here, like how far it goes inside a hole and by this hitting deeper nerves which adds to the perception of one’s penis size.

If your thicker your going to hit the nerves because of the way you stretch it. Like kimish, said it’s volume.

Longer gives you more volume so if the girth was the same it would feel bigger.

I think the phrase your looking for is “stroke length”. Good question.

Originally Posted by master33598
If your thicker your going to hit the nerves because of the way you stretch it. Like kimish, said it’s volume.

Longer gives you more volume so if the girth was the same it would feel bigger.

My guess would be that the way the volume is distributed makes a difference, but that’s just a guess.

My hypothesis is that once you have enough length to penetrate deeper, less girth at the tip would be preferable to navigate the more complex deeper internal structures. A blunter (larger girth) tip would tend to bludgeon rather than being able to penetrate deeper, I would think. But again, that’s just my guess.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
My guess would be that the way the volume is distributed makes a difference, but that’s just a guess.

My hypothesis is that once you have enough length to penetrate deeper, less girth at the tip would be preferable to navigate the more complex deeper internal structures. A blunter (larger girth) tip would tend to bludgeon rather than being able to penetrate deeper, I would think. But again, that’s just my guess.

I can’t say one way or the other.. I can only give you my experience. I’m beyond baseball bat - a Mushroom as the name implies, though my hard work on girth the past few years have reduced it a bit.

I’m 5.5” mid, 6.25” at the glans, 5.25” base. Been with my wife for almost 30 years. Since the beginning she could not take in-and-out action. She had to slowly take me all the way in (missionary) wrap her legs around mine and grind herself into me until she cums. This still has not changed much.

I was 6.25” BPEL back then, 7.75+” now. The grind method is still about the same but she does incorporate a bit more in/out during the grind now. BUT we manage to keep her clit against my body (pubic bone?) by changing the angle during the in/out rather than just pumping in/out.

So I’d say one is not better than the other, but that each have their different advantages and techniques.

I’ve heard some girls say they really like a prominent glans that is bigger than the shaft, because it allows them to better feel it going up and down the vaginal canal.

I’ve heard others say the like more girth at the base and a smaller glans because it makes insertion easier and gives them maximum stretch of the most sensitive part of the vagina at the same time as maximal depth of insertion.

I’ve heard some others say they like a big base girth and a big head.

And others say they don’t really give a shit about penis shape, or even size.

My girl’s pussy just completely swallows my rather large cock with ease. We’d gone 3 weeks with no sex and with no foreplay I entered her and we started fucking with ease.

My point? Who the fuck knows when it comes to pussyland.

The only real truth you get from a woman is the sounds she makes when you give her a pounding.

When my wife whispers in my ear “again” like on the teletubbies show, then I know we`ve reached an understanding.

Originally Posted by MushroomHook
I can’t say one way or the other.. I can only give you my experience. I’m beyond baseball bat - a Mushroom as the name implies, though my hard work on girth the past few years have reduced it a bit.

I’m 5.5” mid, 6.25” at the glans, 5.25” base.

6.25 glans! I can see why you are mushroomhook. Is that from PE or were you that way to start. I’m reverse in that my base is 5.6 and it narrows to 5 max at the glans. I would love to get glans gains.

Originally Posted by lampwick
My hypothesis is that once you have enough length to penetrate deeper, less girth at the tip would be preferable to navigate the more complex deeper internal structures. A blunter (larger girth) tip would tend to bludgeon rather than being able to penetrate deeper, I would think. But again, that’s just my guess.

The vagina tents when aroused so the last 2/3 is larger and more open. So wouldn’t this more complement a baseball bat shape?

Paragraphs under "Sexual activity";
http://en.wikip … org/wiki/Vagina

Originally Posted by e211
6.25 glans! I can see why you are mushroomhook. Is that from PE or were you that way to start. I’m reverse in that my base is 5.6 and it narrows to 5 max at the glans. I would love to get glans gains.

I’ve always had a big glans. The first time I recall ever measuring I believe I was 17 yrs old - 6” glans girth, 6.25” BPEL. I’ve gained slightly in the glans from years of edging w/ hand-clamping at the base (pre PE work) and the past 2 yrs of jelq and clamping. But most of my PE girth gains have been at the base and against my left hook through very focused effort.

Mushroom, did you have many lovers prior to marriage? If so, did you experience much trouble with insertion during vaginal sex with many? Were there any women you simply couldn’t penetrate?

With your wife, since you really can’t take much in the way of strokes because of her discomfort, does it make it more difficult for you to orgasm?


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