Permanence and warm ups - to all veterans out there.
3 questions. I was wondering how people knew about the permanence of gains and if it really is possible. Most people who get big gains seem to never stop and work out from time to time so how do people know about the permanence of the gains and how to go about it?
I’ve read elsewhere people saying that they maintain their results by jelquing once a week or once a month,etc. yet some say all one needs is one week to ‘wean oneself off’ the program… what to believe?
I also read that the towel-wrap is the best to warm-up but I don’t like making a mess (for me to take the time to then clean later) with the towel so I prefer doing warm-up exercises that allow me to stay in my room. Is there a way to warm-up and make it as efficient if not more than the hot wrap sessions without performing the latter, even if it means more time?
Thanks in advance,