Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Playstation and PE

Playstation and PE

I’ve gotten to the point in my PE routine that I am constantly incorporating new thought into the best, but easiest way to figure out how to do PE while not taking away from indoor activities.

These are the things I have or can still do while doing PE stuff or hanging:

I can still play Playstation, although while hanging and playing Tiger Woods it does get hard (no pun intend.) to press the buttons rapidly while maintaining a semi-still posture.

I can cruise the internet all day long, including posting and reading at Thunders!

I can watch television and movies.

I can eat, while playing playstation, watching television (split screen) and cruising the Internet, I have been known to suffer a little from ADD but that’s a whole new thread.

How about you guys what do you do to preoccupy yourselves while PE’ing.

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

Differential Equations. Fun fun fun. Oh and some C++. Changes every semester :) .

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.


When hanging or pumping something that doenst invole your hands, Tv or playstation is the best thing. You can really kill a quick 30 mins.

I liked video games before, but now I can get a bigger dick out of it too, so I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time. :D

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by Alrdybig

Differential Equations. Fun fun fun. Oh and some C++. Changes every semester :) .

What are you taking?

C++ and algorithms or some shit like that, Differential Equations, and Unigraphics.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.


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