Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Post- pe??


I think losing all your cemented gains is to all extent and purposes impossible. Substantial amounts, now that’s another question. Thunder said he lost very little, same with Bigger and both haven’t PE’ed for some years.

Personally I stopped PE in April 2003 and have done 1 month of ADS and maybe 2 weeks - 1 month (maybe a little more but not much) aperiodic jelqing since then and I lost a little girth (hard to quantify but under 1/16”) and maybe as much as 1/32” real length and a little more from less hard erections, though again there is an error factor there.

What you might be thinking of is this thread from Dino talking about JAPP’s losses. As JAPP is an active member here, he can no doubt add more if he wishes but he’s already talked about this here I think. He talked about loosing 50% of his gains in 2 years.

There’s also been one other guy I remember mentioning losing a bit, but I can’t remember who right now.

Losing gains incredibly quickly, within a matter of weeks is impossible.

I think in all likelihood that gains from stretching the tunica are extremely hard to lose but maybe the ligs tighten a little and the erection level lowers a little and this is responsible for a fair amount of what people count as losses.

This goes back to the reason older guys dicks start to shrink when I was 21 I had a 7 inch dick when I was around 36 I had a 6.25 inch dick. It’s simple if you don’t use it you will lose it when your young you do a lot of jerking off and screwing keeping your dick healthy but get married and have a few kids and junior starts to get less use and becomes unhealthy and shrinks. Now I’m 8.5 and have a healthy dick and as long as I exercise it I will always have it but if I stop PE all together I will slowly lose some gains but not even close to all.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Never have I gone backwards noticeably, more than say, 1/8th” in all my years of PE…. and I’ve been laid off for the majority of this year (yeah, 6 months+) and I haven’t “lost inches”.

Ever since I’ve gone through all the shit in my personal life, I’ve been very sporadic with PE. I’ve lost nothing, except a little erection strength (which goes to show that PE is HEALTHY, not damaging!).

Tonight, just before doing my jelqs in my storage unit, I decided to do some edging, just have some fun with my weiner. After a few minutes of play, I pulled an old ruler out of my briefcase and measured - I was very pleasantly surprised: 7 3/4 inches, full. The first time I’ve ever completely hit that mark - and that’s after depressingly little PE, included many periods of a week or more with no PE at all.

I agree that once you cement your gains, they’re yours to keep. Of course, we all lose some beef with age, but nothing that a little maintenance PE won’t avert. I am definitely going to go over 8”, then I’ll reassess. But I will always do some maintenance PE, even if it’s only 20 minutes every 3 days. Not only will this help to keep my gains, but most importantly my steel boners.

When you reference your respective measurments, would you guys please stick a “BP” or “NBP” after them? Thank you.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.


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