Praise Goodeye3200
Goodeye, you not only have been a much better member of this site but you have explained better than I could have. You have helped more than I could have and your application and studious approach can only lead to greater gains.
As for me I hit a plateau a week after I posted, the initial quick gains have stayed but nothing more. So I have a bit more theory to add to the bend.
As I said before I concentrated on the state of my penis, rest, max engorge, pliability of my penis at all points along my penis. But before this I have spent many months of Jelquing and this is where I think the gains came from so I am going to revert back to just Jelq’s…..??????
The theory being that my Jelq’s were good but more important I think the damage my penis endured must have thickened up or added new tissue layers as it repaired, just like any scar or workout.. things breakdown and the body rebuilds stronger with new tissue. This base work of toughening the fibres of the penis (I think) created the available tissue to engorge and stretch with the bend.
In short the months and months of Jelq’s allowed available tissue to be stretched quickly.
Now I feel the tissue has reached its max state for bending and engorging so now had to have some good solid Jelq work to rebuild and recondition the tissue in preparation for another bend regime.
So I haven’t wasted my time and I haven’t found a quick method I think I have done the hard-work through those non gaining months and created a reservoir of tissue ready to be pumped full of blood!!
This might mean that any non gainers who have been jelquing hard, creating lots of red spots and all manner of strains on their penis like I did might find that a course of bends will see some payback on their investment in time and effort.
Keep going guys, if we keep at it the ladies will have to start a PE (Pussy Enlargement) web page.