Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



According to this study, evidence suggests that traction devices do indeed bring about increased length.

Well … no surprise that traction devices can produce gains if used correctly.

Also, the guy who published the study has pubished quite a bit (both penis related and Non-penis related) … so he seems fairly legit

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

There are several peer reviewed studies that prove penis extenders work. The problem is none goes more than maybe 18 months. Any fool can buy a penis extender and get a half an inch or so, but after a year at most the party is over. Companies that make penis extenders get the only sale up front, and do not care about years worth of extending.

Started Oct. 2010 7.0" BPEL

Currently May 2021 7 3/4" BPEL

stopped counting after 1,700 extending hours

I should buy one and grow my to a foot long wiener.

Originally Posted by Rhinoguy
There are several peer reviewed studies that prove penis extenders work. The problem is none goes more than maybe 18 months. Any fool can buy a penis extender and get a half an inch or so, but after a year at most the party is over. Companies that make penis extenders get the only sale up front, and do not care about years worth of extending.

Well if the gains are permanent, half an inch doesn’t sound so bad.

I have a measurement question, I read BPEL and press a little when measuring and get a tad over 6” but with any effort I can get out to past 6.5” is this “cheating” or is this the correct way of measuring? Does bone pressed really mean firmly pressed or just kinda pressed. If this is right I just gained some length :)


Well, that’s good news. Still just average though.. Nothing to scream home about, ya know what I mean.

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