pumpin is right, fin actually increases the free T in the body while it ihbibits DHT. It´s the inhibition of DHT together with an increase of E that causes the erectile problems, not the change in T.
Here´s a study to show that T increases ->
“Since the regression slope for finasteride described a greater increase in PSA per unit change in DHT compared to the slope for megestrol plus estrogen, which lowers both DHT and T, finasteride, despite its drastic lowering of DHT, may have a modest residual androgenic effect related to its effect on tissue T.”
I think the numbers are higher than 1-2% in reality, it´s very hard to appreciate that when you´re in a study and it´s a sensetive thing so some people don´t want to report that either. That said I´m all for trying it, I have myself and I´m willing to try other coming attractions as well, just want to make sure people are as informed as possible here. I´m sure you agree with that.
I have a study here that shows that DHT inhibition is roughly the same from doses 0.05, 0.2, 1 and 5 mg fin. So if DHT inhibition is the same and that is was causes sexual side effects then those should be the same as well. Unless it´s the placebo effect from taking a higher dose that comes into play, that you would expect to get more side effects from a higher dose.
It appears that there´s one point where the inhibition kicks in and from that point a higher dose will just add a smaller and smaller inhibition, so the difference between 5mg and 10mg would be much smaller than the difference between 0.5mg and 1mg.
Finasteride at doses of 0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 1 or 5 mg per day suppressed scalp-skin DHT. In men taking 0.05-5mg per day of oral finasteride, scalp-skin DHT was reduced between 56 and 69 percent from baseline. In men taking placebo, scalp-skin DHT decreased by 13 percent. Other than the group taking 0.01 mg, no significant differences between the doses were seen; however, significant differences were seen between the groups that received finasteride (not including 0.01), and the group that received placebo.
Here are two other studies about propecia and proscar, meaning 1mg and 5mg of finasteride. Sexual side effects are higher with 5mg, but both in the placebo group and the actual fin group.