Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

provocative q's

provocative q's

i am new to PE’ing (7 weeks) and have a two questions of a non-mechanical/non-metaphysical nature to ask of the veterans. (so please moderators excuse me for not posting on the newbies forum)

1) it is said that jelqing is an age old form of PE passed down from father to son in the middle east. would you share the secret with your son, and, if so, at what age?

2) in what way has it effected your relationship with your wife/girlfriend? i ask because i am currently taking a break due to an overtrainig problem. up until i sustained the “injury” my erections were more solid than they have been in years, and my wife was loving it. now, my erections are at about 90%, and while she still moans (quieter) and comes, it seems like a bit of a let down. so, in essence, i am asking whether the experimentation that comes along with PE and its unpredictable efffects on your sex life have any detrimental effects on your relationship.

1) i would share this with my son for sure. I already tried with my dad, he just says it doesnt matter. I can see the shock in his eyes though when i wear tight fitting pants. No my dad is not a homo most men are just curious. I would talk to my son about this as soon as he hit high school. I would give him some stretches and light jelqs.

2) Early on in my pe days i was told by my GF’s best friend that she said i was kind of small, and it dissapointed her. I was really a slacker when it came to pe, i thought 6 was just fine. Well thus came my early days, i gained 3/4” in about a year. The next girl i had intercourse with bragged to al of her friends, like 6 3/4 was erally something huge. It made her next boyfriend who was my good friend feel like shit.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Mr B. Dog finds that if he whacks his dick with a hammer, it turns purple, and shrinks up for a week.

Originally Posted by Smallja
Mary was a dirty slut and that's why she got pregnant. She loved God's giant, holy penis.


what do you mean by “slacker at PE” ? you knew about it back then, but didn’t do it? if i knew then what i know now, i would have a horse dick

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I’m unsure of the origin of “jelqing”. Isn’t the word just a combonation of “jerking” and “milking”, with a “q” thrown in to make it look fancy?

As for it being some “Ancient Arab Secret”… I really doubt it.

If anything, PE can improve an already existing relationship, re-kindle an old one, etc… Any injuries are indeed predictable and preventable.

Becoming.... Godsize

I’m wondering if jelqing is an “Acient Arabic Secret”, has anybody search over at the History Channel’s website?

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

I doubt there’s any history to it at all…that’s just added for “mystique”. It was probably invented in the ‘80’s. Ha hah ahaa.

Becoming.... Godsize

This might be worth buying…..

If there’s such a thing as an “Ancient Arabic Secret” that makes your dick longer, it should be mentioned in one of those DVD’s

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike


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