Questions from a worried PE'er
Well it’s been a year of manual stretching and jelqing, but I’ve decided to quit the stretching part for the time being. Yesterday me and my girlfriend were having sex and I had to stop because my erection sucked and I knew she wasn’t exactly howling at the moon with my 70% erect average sized penis in her. So it’s time to get back to basics - jelqing and jelqing alone.
I am 6.3”x4.8”, quite a difference to my starting stats of 4.8”x4.3ish”, so genetically I am a good gainer (1.5” length, 0.5” girth in 11 months) which leads me to the question - would it be possible to gain that last 0.7” length with jelqing and dry jelqing and nothing else?
Ultimately I want to be the “classic” big penis of 8”x6”, but 1.7” extra length through jelqing alone after already gainining 1.5” seems to be asking a lot. 0.7” however seems attainable and at 7” I’d be ecstatic.
So can anybody shed some light? Is it possible? And can anybody recommend a good routine? I have the time for PE. I usually do a 40 minute routine in the morning and try to repeat it at night if I can.
How does this look: AM 30 minutes wet jelq, PM 30 minutes dry jelq
Simple, but effective?
Thanks so much guys
PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.