Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Reaction to groomed pubes?


Reaction to groomed pubes?

For those of you who have shaved your scrotum, plucked or shaved your shaft, trimmed down the pubic hair patch, etc., what has been the reaction of others upon seeing your groomed pubic hair? In the locker room? In the bedroom? In skinny dip/nude beach situations?

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."


My hairless sack has never generated a single negative comment, and I am pretty active at non-clothed activities. I have had a number of positive comments by women, and some men ask for techniques. Prior to de-hairing, I had numerous negative comments about the hair. Being a stubborn old bastard, it took me a while to catch on. Finally, the negative comments mounted enough that I took action. I regret it not one bit.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

I have only received positive comments from the few women I have been with about my shaving my balls and the hair from the shaft of my penis. I have never gotten any comments from men in the locker room about it though. However I have shaved the shaft of my penis since my first girlfriend complained about the hair. It made her like giving me blow jobs more and more often, that is a very good thing you know. I started shaving my balls about two years ago. I like them shaved now and plan to keep up with it.

Originally posted by PirateSteve
My hairless sack has never generated a single negative comment, and I am pretty active at non-clothed activities.

What are these non-clothed activities that you go to?

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

All other things being equal—I say you cant go wrong if you groom down there—a woman will appreciate the extra effort you make and you will score some extra points with her. You will be remembered and stand out from the rest.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


I also noticed that a lot of porn models are totally hairless down there, all the way to the ass. Looks clean for maximum sensation. Also a great visual.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

When I had a vasectomy, the nurse said that I did a great job grooming. She must like the shaved balls/rest really short look. :D


I must say that would of turned me on, knowing a sexy nurse lady had looked at my cock and then given me a positive comment with a big smile.

Well maybe I added a bit of my own fantasy into it but none-the-less.. :thumbs:

Definitely is appreciated by the women. I’m college and they like the fact that 1. i clean it up…and 2. actually care about keeping it clean especially when their face is gonna be down there all night….

Besides, it makes your dick look bigger, so why not!

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

Having it groomed also feels great too. No hair in the way, more surface area for the stimulation. You’d be surprised to find how good it feels to be smooth at the base of your cock, it means more shaft for you which means you not only look bigger but feel bigger too. :)

Yeah, I can’t believe how many guys don’t groom at all down there! Even though they expect women not to have huge unkempt bushes…

Women DEFINITELY appreciate a good groom job. Three past girlfriends have told me I was the first guy they enjoyed giving a blow job to, because the others either had forests or loads of smegma (nasty).

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Originally posted by chickenchoker
What are these non-clothed activities that you go to?

Chickenchoker, I live on a boat and sail mostly warm waters. Not a lot of clothes there. Lots of nude beaches however, and have fallen into the swing crowd this last year in south Florida. Hairy balls are definitely a no-no in my world, even on an old Pirate, and it only took me 45 years to give up and go with the flow. Now my balls are about the only place on my body without hair! Ahh, it’s a tough life to be sure…

Originally posted by Jelqist

I must say that would of turned me on, knowing a sexy nurse lady had looked at my cock and then given me a positive comment with a big smile.

Well maybe I added a bit of my own fantasy into it but none-the-less.. :thumbs:

I think she was surprised that I had done a complete job instead of shaving the little bit as instructed. I trimmed the pubes above the penis to less than 1/2”, and was entirely bare down below. She did have a sweet smile when she said it!

If I were in a locker room situation, I doubt anyone would make a comment about my hairless nuts. If they did, why the fuck are they looking down there anyway? :)

Girls I’ve been with rarely comment on my shave-job. Maybe it’s a pretty popular thing for guys to do. I wouldn’t know since the only cock and balls I look at in day to day life are my own. Although if they do make a comment it has always been a positive one.

I would think that many dudes must engage in pubic grooming, since if they watch porn, every guy in porn has a shaved unit, plus if it helps to make your dick look bigger without much effort… I’d expect everyone to do it.

Becoming.... Godsize

Judging by the posts, a lot of guys shave the sac, to which I post a question.

Are you afraid that perhaps the razor, whatever kind you use, might cut the sac?

That is why I don’t shave the sac, but elsewhere in the region, such as shaft, I do. I’m apprehensive about shaving the sac, since the skin is less tough then dick skin, and if you have go to the hospital for a cut down there, the doctors will have 1 more interesting story to tell.

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