Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Reasons for PE 2: what's your story

Reasons for PE 2: what's your story

Post the details about the event or series of events that led you to penis enlargement.

Long posts are welcome.

I got lucky to find this site. That’s all I’ve got to say.

Oh, and being average just doesn’t cut it after hearing some crude comments from my girlfriend.

10/01/2006: NBPEL: 5.750" BPEL: 6.000"

04/01/2007: NBPEL: 6.250" BPEL: 6.750"


I remeber you from that other thread man. Yeah, we are lucky because most guys dont have the time or knowledge to get into PE. We’re definately a minority.

I go to the gym to get a bigger body, I come here to get a bigger dick.

I just want one, I am from the ol school “bigger is better. Seriously, I think I have a small johnson, I have had a few negative comments made about my size and now I want some positive ones.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Can’t remember exactly how I found this site. I believe I googled ‘natural penis enlargement’ and am thrilled it led me here. I’ve never been happy with my size, especially when I’m at the Doctor’s or starting a new relationship. I’m always tentative in showing my dick to someone new for the first time.

Starting Measurements - BPEL 6.5" EG 5"

Goals - BPEL 8" EG 6"

Current Measurements - Gaining length mostly

Well, I just clicked an add that had penis enlargement devices and it had many different devices. I signed up and it gave me a free online book on PE. It gave exercises and it descirbed it as jelqing. It gave very little info, and so I went online to learn more about jelqing. I somehow managed to stumble across a lot of places and I then found a huge muscular guy in a clamp. I don’t know how I eventually found Thunder’s, but the first thing I found were the videos. I figured reading up, I would learn even more and I signed up.

Because tired of being just average, I want be bigger first of all for myself, then for women. And it’s sounds exciting to me to know that you can manipulate a part of your body in a way that if was not for the thousands of guys here (and out of there too) I would never been able to believe in.

Starting stats (26/09/2006): 6.5 BPEL x 4.9 EG - Goal: 8 BPEL x 6 EG

I’m pursuing a career in porno. I found out while auditioning for a part in a upcoming film, things needed improvement. I’ve searched for a long time. Trying pills, yes I was suckered in. Buying PE tools, joining and paying several sites claiming three to six inches in the first month, only ten minutes a day. Then one guy on one of the pay forums mentioned Thunders. I’ve checked it out and never left since. We not only talk about making our dicks bigger as collective thoughts and ideas. But we also have fun with Diamonds Pics, Birds girls, Twats news or just picking on the Boss once in a while. OH!! about the porno careers I’m BSing, I’ve figured I’ll try to give my wife an orgasm after ten years of marriage.

too bad your BSing johnsonwax, i was going to ask what company you’re trying for

Just want more length both erect and flaccid. More so even flaccid. I am not sure I have ever gotten an accurate length measurement, but my girth is near 5.5 already and the head is disproportionately big, so I have gotten some compliments. The comment I usually get is that “you feel so much bigger inside than you look.” Honestly being uncut with the big head gets a lot of compliments, too. Now I just want it longer than average.

I was obssessed with knowing the exact average penis size, and after trawling through many sites, I think I ended up on the Penis Size Debate one, which I do believe linked me to here. After reading around and finding out it could be done and I could make my penis bigger, I was not content with having one in the higher ranges of average. Self-esteem issues y’know.

I started at which was a waste of money, because everything they offered me there I could have learned here and then some. I picked up this site from yahoo, but I never looked into it until last year because it was free, and I used to think “You don’t get something for nothing” but once I looked more deeply into it I quickly realized this site completely contradicts that. But I still made my donations which this site and the people who maintain it definitely deserve. Plus there will be more to come.

I love this site, I really don’t know where I would be without it sometimes. Its a great PE knowledge attaining, motivational and confidence boosting place to visit.

The key to success in anything in life is CONSISTENCY!- Anthony Ellis

Success comes to those who become success conscious.

Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.- Napoleon Hill

My wife (now ex-wife) cheated on me with a guy who had a bigger dick. That chrushed my ego. I started searching and found the old PE forum and started doing PE.

Now I’m back because PE makes me feel good, it improves my sex life, when I’m doing PE I tend to be more agressive sexually (which my new wife enjoys), & I like growing and having my wife make comments like, “Oh God! It feels so big tonight!”

By the way, I don’t tell my wife about PE.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

I always wanted to have a bigger dick, and being on the smaller side of the average always made me feel insecure. I had sex with many girls and they said I was good in bed, however this one time a chick told me I was a bit small for her, so that trashed my ego a lot. Finally I got convinced to buy an extender, and I did. A few weeks after I started using the extender I wanted more feedback from users and that is how I ended up in Thunders. I cannot express how happy I am to have found this place and will most definelty make a donation when I reach my short term goal of 1 inch gain. I am aiming at a long term goal of 8” NBEPL x 6”, but honestly once I reach bottom with my wife I will probably cement my gains and stay there (I would hate to be too big for her to cause her discomfort or not being able to insert my entire dick in her!).

Initial Measurement (11-Sep-2006): BPEL: 13.8 cm, NBPEL: 12.7 cm, EG(Mid): 13.0 cm

9th Month Progress (6-Jun-2007): BPEL: 15.2 cm, NBPEL: 14.2 cm, EG(Mid): 13.5 cm

Being average-just doesn’t sound so special.

When VigRX became really popular, I think around 2001, I decided to give it a try. I really didn’t have that much time and didn’t have a slightest clue about the exercises. When VigRX failed miserably.I’m still not over it, I decided to search for other pills or methods.
I accidentaly ran into Thunders couple of months ago.
It’s been a great deal of help, a real eye opener.
It’s like a community of a sort.


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