It seems to me the tunica stretches and grows in the same manner as *any* muscle tissue would stretch or grow.
That is, when touching your toes, your hamstrings stretch axially, along the line of the bone. How could you stretch your hamstrings radially? How could you do it effectively? If you pulled on your hamstrings at 90 degrees to the bone, wouldn’t its response be to lengthen versus thicken? Lengthening would allow more radial pull — whereas a thickening reaction doesn’t seem to me to be its natural response. Like a bow and arrow: the bow is the bone and the string is the muscle. A longer string allows more radial pull, whereas a thicker string wouldn’t achieve the desired effect (perceived desired effect — more radius). Presumably, the body will want to adapt to the stress in a sensible manner, and therefore lengthen axially versus thicken radially.
I think this may be the same problem with the tunica. Length-wise is normal (look at all the length gains that have been made), perhaps because of the cell arrangement. If so, then a radial stretch is ‘against the grain’. Granted, not impossible, just much, much more difficult (compare everyone’s length gain reports to their girth gain reports).
Therefore, it seems sensible that wraps or clamps are the only way to coerce muscle cells to divide such that more circumference is created (dividing in the direction of the stress) — perhaps an unusual request on any muscle tissue — which translates to slow response. Conversely, if the clamping forces the tissue toward the glans, then clamping may inadvertently causing lengthening because the engorged cells will be stressed in their typical direction (same as an erection, but with higher pressure).
Assuming the radial stress were enough — might this mean radially-oriented cells are then created? I’m not sure that would be bad, but perhaps such cells wouldn’t allow length increases while operating the ‘device’ — they’d be stretched radially during an erection. This sounds like a spongy erection to me — axial cells stretching axially during an erection, while radially cells refusing to stretch axially.
Perhaps then the normal PE stretching process would coerce the new radial cells to divide axially, but still have radial orientaton — to create more length. But then why would a radial cell dividing in the direction of axial stress create another radial cell?
I’m figuring clamping (akin to ADS or hanging, just a 90 degree difference in stress applied) is a viable technique — but perhaps the fluid build-up and reduced circulation prevent it from being implemented effectively. Unless you’re Big Girtha, in which case, you sustain the ill-effects in favor of the desired effect — which he has acquired.
I would think it’d take many months (or years) to know for sure because increasing the circumference by cell division seems like it would take a hell of a lot cells to notice any difference.
Now after re-reading this, I don’t think it’s much of a contribution — more the ramblings of a penis-obsessed madman who spends way too much time thinking about this.