Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Same Shit, Different Name

Same Shit, Different Name

What’s the deal with “creating” exercise moves just to name them after yourself?
Seems like everybody wants to have some kind of trademarked move. I know my opinion means shit, but it’s a bit cheesy.

Besides, most of these “new” discoveries are things that all of us are already doing, or have done, all on our own. Why take a slight variation then call it the “So-And-So” Stretch?

While some things do need names just to make them easily identifiable, going crazy with the “trademarking” is really getting outta control. This isn’t meant to discourage people from sharing discoveries, but it seems like there is too much coat-tail riding and hero worship going on. Meanwhile, I know that there are some seriously hung dudes in here that keep too low of a profile, the “macks in the back” if you will. I wish those lurkers would speak up.

Becoming.... Godsize

I agree. We need common names for exercises so we can communicate effectively. Exercises shouldn’t be named after the loudest, newest discoverer. Practical, descriptive nomenclature would suffice and ease tensions over who “created” what.


Re: Same Shit, Different Name

Originally posted by Prickle
What's the deal with “creating” exercise moves just to name them after yourself?
Seems like everybody wants to have some kind of trademarked move. I know my opinion means shit, but it's a bit cheesy.

Besides, most of these “new” discoveries are things that all of us are already doing, or have done, all on our own. Why take a slight variation then call it the “So-And-So” Stretch?

While some things do need names just to make them easily identifiable, going crazy with the “trademarking” is really getting outta control. This isn't meant to discourage people from sharing discoveries, but it seems like there is too much coat-tail riding and hero worship going on. Meanwhile, I know that there are some seriously hung dudes in here that keep too low of a profile, the “macks in the back” if you will. I wish those lurkers would speak up.

Bizarre. I was giving this a lot of thought yesterday!

It came from the memory of mine that years ago I read about PE and I only found this one message board on that was full of shit. All I learned about was jelqing, but I started trying my own things. I remember getting hard and squeezing at the base and thinking that this must be a good exercise. I also remember kegelling before every jelq. I tried a lot of things and I think if I´d kept at it there could be an ICM squeeze or stretch if I´d come up with one of the one´s we use today, as it was a long time ago!

Everyone wants an exercise named after them, and it can be annoying when a new thread starts up with someone saying, “I just found this stretch, it´s called the username special stretch and it goes like this…

I agree completely. Having 10+ names for an exercise only makes for an environment of mass confusion. Someone will come up with something”new”, tag their own name on it, then everyone is asking for more details, “am I doing this right?,” I still don”t understand what you are saying, and so on and so on and so on. Then somewhere down the line you find out this so called “new” move was discussed last month. Myself, when I talk about techniques and new methods that I am trying on my own I refuse to name it for this very reason. Instead,I describe what the exercise does for me, then lay out how I do it. I’m not looking for any fame and glory,only to try and help my fellow PE’rs. I think that if this approach is taken, if it is indeed something totally new to this board and this fact can be confirmed by a moderator, then a person truly has the right to put his name on a signature move. Don”t go looking for recognition where it is not due. If I remember right, awhile back, someone on another board took DLD’s blasters, posted the exercise, then claimed the exercise as being his own. Needless to say, a lot of people who support DLD were pissed and it opened the door for a lot of controversy on this other board. I would hate to see that happen here. It is my feeling that that kind of situation could push somebody away from this board.


As with the internet, most PE exercises were originally invented by Al Gore in the 60’s and 70’s. In fact Al Gore had the first forum about pe on what was to become the internet in 1978. Some say it was Al Gore’s love of his penis which is reported to be about 10 inches that drove him to invent the internet and run for president.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

LOL @ Dino’s response

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"

Who is Al Gore?


Some guy who throws like a girl.

Al Gore can suck the breath out of a woman when he kisses her like Dracula sucks blood.

I don´t know much about Al Gore, but when it came to the elections I thought he seemed better for the job.

Algore is a fat slob. He probably can’t get it up without medical assistance. If he did invent PE, it was probably at his wife’s insistance.

Sorry Al, couldn’t resist!

On the subject,
I don’t care what the exercise is called if it works. Imagine if you had to use the original name for every execise? Brandon Reese had an exercise called “extenders” in his program. While I’ve never done “extenders” I’ve probably done a thousand variations of them.

Is this just another whine about DLD? Some of his “named” exercises are the same old thing, but others are truly new twists on old exercises.

It’s not important what they are called, is it?

Or as exercises are changed, we can leave the name the same and increment the version number. For example, “This is Jelq v. 32.1.” :) Just kidding….

On Al Gore, maybe he took up PE to bolster his “Alpha Male” image. Hmmm… Could StillWantMore actually be Albert? He’s from TN and I’ve noticed that there are no posts from him on the days that Al’s traveling. :)

The easier I am on myself, the harder life is on me.

Would explain why he looks so stiff all of the time. I had read that the stiffness was from an old break dancing injurty but who knows.

We could call doing a high tension over the sholder ADS "doing the Al Gore."

Also, I had heard that he invented the "Dirty Sanchez." Anyone know if this is true.

The Dirty Sanchez, my personal faovoite The Flying Camel, and many others here .

Running a Massive Co-Front.


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