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Seeing Rapid Gains: 1/16th per day


Seeing Rapid Gains: 1/16th per day

The original thread, with the same title as this one, posted by Q-Hybrid has been removed from public view until it has reviewed for safety by the moderators. It may return, it may not.

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Saftey? What exactly was he condoning?

~~ start: 7 1/2" x 5 3/4" ~~ current: 8 1/2+" x 6 1/2+" ~~ goal: 10" x 7" ~~ gains: around 1" EBPL ~1" EG ~~


I think it is safe to say that gains of 1/16th per day would require equipment introduced during the Spanish Inquisistion.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

I must of scanned through that part to fast(The inquisiton part) I say it did need more clarity.

So a thread with this title was removed because the exercises seemed to dangerous? Wow, I can’t even imagine…

Feel free to ask me Thunder, I’m Mr safety :)

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

1) The guy’s math was off. One of the posts pointed that out.

2) I believe he advocated a “noose style hanger”.

Either way, I’m surprised it’s open to public discussion. Lesser threads have disappeared more quickly.


Only because I have my hands full at the moment GM. Seems that Mercury, Disneyworld or Uranus is in retrograde or something like that. ;) A lot of shit going on right now and I don’t have time to deal with the merits of that thread, so I am asking for others’ opinions. Keep them coming and thanks!

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My opinion is to please bring the thread back. He indeed cautioned people on his methods, despite their not being very extreme. He pumped at high pressure, but for very little time, and there are many other members that pump at such pressures and haven’t hurt themselves. I think it’s a shame to take away a thread like that which could be so much help to younger PEers who may need more intense routines to gain as well as older guys. And honestly his routine wasn’t too dangerous—it was time consuming—but it wasn’t more dangerous than what’s advocated by many other successful members of this site. And he repeatedly cautioned readers. I think if he wants to share his successful routine he should be allowed to.

Like the moderator, I felt sceptical to the original thread, and I’m usually not sceptical on this forum. The math was off. The numbers kept changing. Something just didn’t feel right. Perhaps it was just sloppiness. Apologies to Q if my scepticism is unfair.

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Wow, what an absolute mess.

In my defense, I cautioned people repeatedly as has been stated, and as far as I know I did not even advocate hanging. I have never used it, I simply mentioned that I was considering developing an aparatus of my own. I did not specify how it would work.

Everything that I mentioned was extremely technical and based on my own understanding of how my body works.

The only things that I may have understated were how subjective all of my data was and how dangerous some of the methods are.

I understand if this stuff is simply too dangerous for most to subscribe to, but I honestly did make an effort to make that apparent. I have yet to check my PM’s, but I don’t really like how I wasn’t contacted to a very high level (e-mail, something outside of the board) about this whole thing.

Again, apologies if this stuff posed serious harm and that was unclear. It works for me, that’s al I can say.

I missed the original thread and wow, now this makes me really curious!

I feel most PE methods could be considered dangerous since you are on your own using them, and people have
been injured. However thousands use their own common sense judgement not to pull their dick off while
hanging, or wrap so tight or so long as to cause tissue death. Yet I understand why new ideas might be
censored here due to an extreme possibility of injury or legal liability. And I respect that.

Still I am all the more curious :)

I was going to post my routine that involves vice grips, a car battery and a rubber mallet but forget it now.

Originally Posted by deadeye3200
So a thread with this title was removed because the exercises seemed to dangerous? Wow, I can’t even imagine…

Feel free to ask me Thunder, I’m Mr safety :)


Believe it or not we actually care that some newbie may really hurt himself and screw up his dick for life. On thunders it’s not all about making a quick buck from PE. Some of the exercises are way out there and even with warnings when someone tells you they can get huge gains that fast the newbies will try them even with the warnings.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

There are some very desparate people here who will not heed any warnings attached to a routine, they figure it’s worth the risk. This is why we moderators sometimes have to take exception when stuff gets posted that could be considered beyond the “too extreme” threshhold.


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