Seeing things?
Don’t really know what I expect from posting this, but it just struck me as odd. Last night while doing my routine (actually at the end of it) I noticed something different. Now I have always said that I have an upward curve, and I do, but not always. I noticed last night that during my routine I was perfectly straight. I can understand that when I clamp (I think), but even when I took the clamp off and did some erect squeezes and Ulis I was perfectly straight.
Now for the odd part. When I finish a clamp/squeeze session I usually do some edging. While I was edging I noticed that upward curve! It just strikes me as odd that I only curve when I am aroused. I mean I was at 100% erect when I was doing my routine and was straight, but as soon as I started edging, bam, the curve appeared. Am I seeing things or can this be the case?
Comments, opinions, reaming of the stupid guy who can’t see, are all welcome.