Seeking Some Clarity
I hate to seem stupid, but I’m confused with what I’ve read by many veterans.
Many say to vary your routine, as in, “keep your dick guessing”, “change your routine frequently”.
On the other hand, some of these same guys say they “hung for XX hours per day”. This sounds like a non-varying routine.
Another issue of confusion for me stems from the statements suggesting a toughening of either the ligaments or the tunica. I’m unclear as to what is believed in this area. If toughening is possible, why wouldn’t any of these routines cause toughening?
Yet another issue for me are the rest periods. I’ve read numerous threads about the tissues and their response to ‘injury’. Many of these suggest time-off is a good way to cause toughening (collagen types changing). On the other hand, others report gaining during long periods of time off.
I realize everyone’s different, but in medicine there are known methods for a multitude of situtations. (BTW, you guys are pioneers in the field of PE — to be lauded and admired in the someday-to-be-Erected PE Museum. To digress further, the wax figures of Big Girtha, Bib, etc. standing naked with a reconstruction of their PE environment and all their gadgets strewn about is amusing… Placards describing their trials and tribulations…)
Anyway, I definetly don’t understand how *any* part of your body could get used to being pulled on consistently without producing a stretch response. Almost regardless of the weight (time becomes the factor, I guess, as weight decreases).
Which brings me to the same conclusion I’ve been reaching everytime I worry about this: What is very consistent is the fact they’ve all been at this for well over a year. That tells me that time is what makes the most difference. In which case, my AutoADS use (12 hours daily), along with AutoExtender (1 hour daily), along with jelqs and manual stretching (200 jelqs daily) will produce results, period, end of story.
Of course, I’m also worried that I’m wasting my time — and around I go again.
Let me also say, I know these guys know what they’re talking about — I just feel like I’m getting lost. Any clarity would be appreciated.