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Seeking Some Clarity

Seeking Some Clarity

I hate to seem stupid, but I’m confused with what I’ve read by many veterans.

Many say to vary your routine, as in, “keep your dick guessing”, “change your routine frequently”.

On the other hand, some of these same guys say they “hung for XX hours per day”. This sounds like a non-varying routine.

Another issue of confusion for me stems from the statements suggesting a toughening of either the ligaments or the tunica. I’m unclear as to what is believed in this area. If toughening is possible, why wouldn’t any of these routines cause toughening?

Yet another issue for me are the rest periods. I’ve read numerous threads about the tissues and their response to ‘injury’. Many of these suggest time-off is a good way to cause toughening (collagen types changing). On the other hand, others report gaining during long periods of time off.

I realize everyone’s different, but in medicine there are known methods for a multitude of situtations. (BTW, you guys are pioneers in the field of PE — to be lauded and admired in the someday-to-be-Erected PE Museum. To digress further, the wax figures of Big Girtha, Bib, etc. standing naked with a reconstruction of their PE environment and all their gadgets strewn about is amusing… Placards describing their trials and tribulations…)

Anyway, I definetly don’t understand how *any* part of your body could get used to being pulled on consistently without producing a stretch response. Almost regardless of the weight (time becomes the factor, I guess, as weight decreases).

Which brings me to the same conclusion I’ve been reaching everytime I worry about this: What is very consistent is the fact they’ve all been at this for well over a year. That tells me that time is what makes the most difference. In which case, my AutoADS use (12 hours daily), along with AutoExtender (1 hour daily), along with jelqs and manual stretching (200 jelqs daily) will produce results, period, end of story.

Of course, I’m also worried that I’m wasting my time — and around I go again.

Let me also say, I know these guys know what they’re talking about — I just feel like I’m getting lost. Any clarity would be appreciated.

I doubt if constant PEing will give you gains. Rest is very important.

I suppose the museum would also include:

“Dumbest PE exercises ever attempted”

Such as a guy tying his member to the bumper and yelling to his wife: “Floor it!”

Or the guy who tied his to a doorknob and repeatedly opened and closed the door.

There’d also be the guy who tried to stand up with too much weight on his unit, only to find after two years his legs were three inches shorter, and, had gained considerable girth.

But what I don’t want to see is me…

One more question, please.

If toughening is possible, how would you know if you’re causing it? Simply by no gains over a long period?

How might the over-zealous newbie prevent toughening?

“Taking it easy” might be an obvious answer, but that’s diffcult to quantify. Pain is generally suggested as the tell-tale of over-doing it. I for one, have never had any pain other than skin irritations.

While everybody is entitled to an opinion, not all are supported by the sciences which underlie PE. One of the keys to winning this game is learning who to pay attention to and who to ignore.

My favorites section contains a wealth of wisdom from some of the smartest guys on the forum. To best answer your questions, I’d invite you to read through it and then form your own opinion as to the best way to proceed.

Welcome aboard and good luck,


Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

On the pretty recent “how many times a week do you PE a week” thread, some of the big gainers were saying every day. I was confused because of all talk about how importnt rest days are. Then on the same thread some good gainers posted how they only PE for a couple times a week.

Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons
One more question, please.

If toughening is possible, how would you know if you’re causing it? Simply by no gains over a long period?

Yes, toughening is possible. Its pretty much like working out in the gym. Your body is very adaptable and would stop a response when it gets used to the Load, Just like you get used to lifting a particular weight in the Gym. I think not seeing gains for sometime ( make that “long time”) is a good way to judge whether you have toughened up. Its best to judge by whether or not you feel a good strain after a workout with a particular load. If you think handling a particular weight is easy, then time to move on. IMO, as long as you feel the post-workout strain, you should be happy to know that your dick is being worked out. With appropriate rest your dick should definately respond.

Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons
How might the over-zealous newbie prevent toughening?

“Taking it easy” might be an obvious answer, but that’s diffcult to quantify. Pain is generally suggested as the tell-tale of over-doing it. I for one, have never had any pain other than skin irritations.

Hmmm Im not sure if there is a way to stop the toughening. when you place any strain on a tissue/muscle, it is bound to toughen up. Its an inbuilt defence mechanism. The only way you can overcome the non-responsiveness is by progressive loading and by taking De-con breaks every 3 months or so. Increase weights as per your level of comfort. Make sure you get a good strain after a workout. Please remember that there is a thin line between a good workout and over training and its very easy to goof-up. Good luck .

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Last edited by godofdeviltry : 03-06-2006 at .
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