Alright this doesn’t actually have to do with enlarging the penis itself but it is related, and I couldn’t think of any other forums to post this in. In many of the articles and programs i read about PE, they say to trim the pubic hair and shave some of the surrounding areas. Not only does this make the penis look somewhat larger but it also makes everything look cleaner and basically nicer. Anyway, I was wondering how to go about this without leaving red bumps like razor burn or ingrown hairs. I’ve tried using straight razors, electric razors, Nair hair remover, and all kinds of stuff. If shaving, I always use shaving cream and put on lotion or after shave type stuff when I’m done. It looks great after it’s done, but the next day I have red bumps where I shaved. Does anybody out there that does shave some have any suggestions? I know if it works for women it has to work for guys too. Thanks