Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Shrinkage during and after stool.

Just as long as you ain’t doing a fowfer on the toilet, all should be well.;)

I have the exact opposite effect. Its almost like I am performing a reverse kegel while I shit. My flaccid is always full and heavy afterward

It’s best to keep your flaccid full and heavy all day, similar to an ADS. The more it shrinks to less it grows it that engorged state.

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

This could be diet, GI issue, prostate/ Prostatitis, body chemistry. I would have gained much more girth if this never had to happen. You guys that get this, what do you think causes this and what can fix it?

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

+1 for a cure.someone fill us in. Kingpole probably would know. I doubt it is a prostate issue as even young people complain of it, or should I say WHEN we were young it still happened. Perhaps increasing core temperature would benefit? If the balls are up and tight, higher temp would for sure do it.

It’s just the reverse for me… taking a dump doesn’t give me an erection unless I’m constipated, and then straining on the muscles acts like a huge kegel: pumps blood into my dick and holds it there.

You’re lucky.

Do you guys with this issue have a rather weak pc muscle?

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

No, I blame the Mac muscle. Seriously though, I can’t see how a weak BC muscle would have that effect on a flaccid dick while taking a shit.

It might be the other way around, when the BC muscle contracts the penis shrinks a bit by being pulled into towards the muscle, it might also contract around the root of the flaccid penis and constrict blood flow rather than pumping it into the penis like when your excited (because no one is excited when taking a shit right!? That can’t be it?). After all, the muscles in that specific region is used when taking a dump. Maybe the BC muscles can have many effects on the penis. Also temperature could be a factor, when I remove my pants and underwear in the toilet my dick tends to get a little bit colder, the toilet is a bit cool.

My Measurements | My Favorites

Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
No, I blame the Mac muscle. Seriously though, I can’t see how a weak BC muscle would have that effect on a flaccid dick while taking a shit.

It might be the other way around, when the BC muscle contracts the penis shrinks a bit by being pulled into towards the muscle, it might also contract around the root of the flaccid penis and constrict blood flow rather than pumping it into the penis like when your excited (because no one is excited when taking a shit right!? That can’t be it?). After all, the muscles in that specific region is used when taking a dump. Maybe the BC muscles can have many effects on the penis. Also temperature could be a factor, when I remove my pants and underwear in the toilet my dick tends to get a little bit colder, the toilet is a bit cool.

I find my flaccid gets longer when I’m taking a dump. Perhaps because I’m “pushing” out a turd I’m also doing a reverse kegel, I’m still not too sure on how a reverse kegel is meant to feel. Have to do it on the toilet or I’ll crap my pants!

I have noticed a few times after I’m done there’s a bit of shrinkage but I think that’s from straining too hard. I need more fibre in my diet I think.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

I never really understood exactly what a reverse kegel is and what it does from an anatomical perspective. I think DLD came up with the term back in the day and I’ve read that to do a reverse kegel you pretty much do the same thing as when you try to squeeze a turd out, if that makes any sense. I think the lower abdominal (gut) muscles play a central role, that’s where I feel it when trying it anyway, and it does have some kind of effect. Some would define a reverse kegel as simply relaxing the BC muscle.

My Measurements | My Favorites

I know when I have to take a massive crap that I tend to turtle a lot. Really irritates me, but what can you do?

Starting 10/08 - 7.125" EL x 4.5" MSEG

As of 12/08- 7.5" EL x 4.75" MSEG

As of 1/19/08 - 7.75" bpel(previous 7.5" was due to inaccurate ruler) x 4.875" MSEG

I just view a reverse kegel as the opposite of a kegel, when you piss, kegel to stop the flow, reverse to speed up the flow.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

After reading this post yesterday I decided to take a closer look between my legs on the crapper. Luckily for me my flaccid got more plump and full - afterwards I was waving it about in the mirror like a man possessed :)

But I’d like to add I do a LOT of kegels - at least 500-700 over the course of a day.

Stats, pre PE: BPEL 6.1" MSEG 4.5"

Ultimate Goal: BPEL 7.6" MSEG 6"

That's 1.5" both ways. Wish me luck! :D

When I used to be like 14 I would sometimes get erections on the toilet.weird


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