Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Size does not realy matter?

However, if a girl is with a guy who is average sized and she longs for a really big guy, the odds that she could find a large guy to replace her current one is very low.

It’s hard enough to find someone whom you’re compatible with, much less if you can only choose from less than 5-10% of the population. Very slim odds indeed.

These odds are the reason why size plays a much smaller part with regards to relationships. There’s just not enough large guys out there for size to be a major issue, and girls know this better than anyone. They are forced to overlook it, or they’ll live a life of loneliness.

Well my girl is 43yrs old and black. She’s been with atleast 20 guys and when I asked her what she thought about my penis size, she told me it was small. She said I was the smallest guy she’s been with accept for one other person. My size is 7’ x 5’ and she considers that to be small. I’m the only white man she’s ever been with and we are engaged now. So that tells you about if size matters.


Originally Posted by beenthere

One more thing. If one believes all races are about equal, then the equation can stop above. If not, then her chances of meeting big must be moved up or down based on that also.


Your post highlights another factor that I believe can have quite an effect on how many big ones a woman has had.

Are you saying size doesn’t matter whatsoever to her, or are you saying it matters but that it’s not important?


What is your viewpoint on also involving into the equations a woman’s experience of various races?

Originally Posted by sm
However, if a girl is with a guy who is average sized and she longs for a really big guy, the odds that she could find a large guy to replace her current one is very low.

It’s hard enough to find someone whom you’re compatible with, much less if you can only choose from less than 5-10% of the population. Very slim odds indeed.

These odds are the reason why size plays a much smaller part with regards to relationships. There’s just not enough large guys out there for size to be a major issue, and girls know this better than anyone. They are forced to overlook it, or they’ll live a life of loneliness.

This is a very good explanation of the dicisions that women make in choosing a partner for a “relationship”. Thanks for sharing this.

I feel that I face similiar statistics in finding a woman that is compatible with me. I’m conservative with my finances and health, yet I’m very liberal when it comes to sex. It is hard to find a girl that is down to earth, into health and fitness, and is bisexual. Let alone one that will truly love me.

I guess women who cap on size will have to hunt around for a date on Thundersplace. Perhaps women find the question “am I biggest dick you had” maybe taken as an insult. Or perhaps she’s a fifty foot woman with a power rod trip. Personally I think women who say “Your the smallest dick I have” Hate men in general. It is a power tool to them to intimidate all their boyfriends because the know “size’ is a serious issue with guys.

Originally Posted by microbrew
She’s been with atleast 20 guys and when I asked her what she thought about my penis size, she told me it was small. …My size is 7’ x 5’

What she is saying is preposterous.

Just my $.02,


As far as race I cannot tell you if there is a true difference or not, as most scientific studies have been done on white males. I do however believe that there will not be a significant difference between one races average and another. However another point that surprises me is that no one ever appears to think about culture, heritage, and geographic origins (region). This is the basis for micro and macro evolution (I believe in micro not macro), I feel that this would have a much larger impact on size I would guess that a lot of the stereotypes originated from when the earth as a geopolitical whole, was insanely larger like 150-200 years ago. As genetic pools were not nearly as diverse as is current and regional factors were much greater in play as to how humans developed. Thus that is why at one time Italians may have been much girthier, blacks much larger, Asians much smaller, and whites average, at least as the stereotypes go. This of course would have been declining for the last 200 years due to increased global conscious which will eventually lead to in my opinion any major advantages, or disadvantages in ones racial heritage (not pride, genetically speaking only) to disappear. This is not just from the interracial relationships but from the relationships of others of the same race from different regions of the world causing the genetic gene pool to be become much more diversified in not so region-centric. That at least is my opinion on races and the future of races. Peace

Evolution and Size

I saw an interesting program a couple months ago on Discovery Health about Sex and Evolution.

Apparently the vaginas of female monkeys are located where the anus is located for human females. This, and the fact they walk on all fours, is why monkeys always do it doggie style. When female monkeys are in heat her vaginal lips get red and swollen and can be easily seen on her backside as she walks on all fours. This lets the males get turned on and want to mate with her.

As humans evolved from monkeys they began to walk upright on two legs and the human female vagina began to evolve towards the front of her body for frontal intercourse. Now that the vagina was not in view (while walking upright) women started coloring their mouth lips with lipstick to attract males (it resembles the swollen vagina lips) and draws a similar response.

Another side effect from her vagina moving to the front was that the male penis needed to be larger then before to penetrate her in a way that it could deposit the sperm close to her egg. The show stated that over the course of millions of years males with smaller penises had far less opportunities to impregnate women, as the women rejected them. Over time endowed men were allowed to pass their genes to the females and their offspring, carrying their genes, were better endowed. Smaller men died off.

Because of this favoring of larger penises by women the human penis, today, is proportionally larger than any other species (with regards to the overall size of the animal). Chimps penises are tiny. In comparison, human males are very large at a 5” - 6” average length.

I read somewhere else that with species where the females often cheat, the males tend to have larger penises. The species where females don’t cheat results in micro penises in the males. This was because men with larger penises tend to have a greater chance of impregnating a woman than smaller men. The longer penis ejaculates closer to the ovaries thereby increasing the chances that the sperm will survive it’s shorter journey to the egg. Also, when a woman has a deep vaginal orgasm which tends to be a contraction-type of orgasm this actually sucks the sperm towards the womb, and since larger penises are better suited to bring a woman to vaginal orgasm ..

As men (in these cheating species) are competing with other men who are screwing the same female, the sperm are actually competing to see who impregnates the egg. The sperm of the larger sized man has a much better chance of reaching the egg than the sperm by smaller men due to the placement of the ejaculation and the vaginal orgasm likelihood when woman is with large guy.

These are both evolutionary theories, but I found them to be interesting.

Re: size — the Kinsey data is self-measured, and not considered reliable. The best data to date has come from recent doctor-measured surveys, and they all some in around 5.9 length and 4.9 girth. This includes the very solidly-done Durex study. Girth almost always seems to come in right around 4.9, in ALL surveys, so we can be pretty assured of that.

Girth figures show far less variability than length. In other words, almost all guys are grouped close to the 5” range. As the figure approaches 6 inches, the numbers get vanishingly small - that’s the top 1% of the the top 1%. Only 5.25 inches gets you into the 73rd percentile. I think you’re up around 98th % with 5.75. That is why I am AMAZED at some of the girths reported here. Is everyone measuring mid-shaft? They should, if they want to compare against other guys in the stats.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by dangleman
Girth figures show far less variability than length. In other words, almost all guys are grouped close to the 5” range.

If that’s true, what do you think women have in mind when they are talking about a “thick” penis? Women will often give figures when talking about length, whether their “measurements” are accurate or not. But they seldom do this when talking about girth. Instead, they talk about whether their fingers touch when grasping the penis, or whatever. Does this mean that 5.25 is thick to most women? Or is it 5.5? Or 5.75? Or …

Originally Posted by dangleman
As the figure approaches 6 inches, the numbers get vanishingly small - that’s the top 1% of the the top 1%. Only 5.25 inches gets you into the 73rd percentile.

Then why does my 5.6 EG dick still seem on the thin side to me? Has my perception been that perverted by gossip and stereotypes and the porn industry, etc.? Probably so!

Originally Posted by dangleman
Is everyone measuring mid-shaft? They should, if they want to compare against other guys in the stats.

Gee, I was measuring across the thigh. Maybe that explains it!

I don’t buy into this bigger dicked men have more sex. The WOMAN is the one who says yes so how much he wants it is absurd.

Originally Posted by thethickone
I don’t buy into this bigger dicked men have more sex. The WOMAN is the one who says yes so how much he wants it is absurd.

Bigger dicked= more confidence= hits on more women = have more sex.

Size does not realy matter?

No one has ever seen it, but it matters to me.

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
Bigger dicked= more confidence= hits on more women = have more sex.

UC, that’s not even remotely true. There’s more to being confident than just a big dick. All else being equal, it may help, but it’s not the end-all.

Size matters if the woman says it does. It’s as simple as that. However, the majority of women really don’t care either way.

I don’t doubt there are women who have or have had CDS orgasms, or whatever it’s being called this week. But I don’t think you can even begin to put a definitive scale on what size you need to accomplish this. Supposedly, there’s a certain point that must be stimulated by the penis. Looking at anatomical references to this magical point, it seems pretty easy, given you have the requisite size, to hit this point. Unfortunately, internal organs aren’t always in such an exact location as you would see on anatomical drawings. They tend to move around, depending on the body’s position and whatnot. Also, you must consider that the penis is far from a precision medical instrument. So, to find this magical spot and be able to stimulate it on a consistent basis would be difficult, at best.

As far as the Kinsey study, I think it was a good start. However, as was stated previously, it was flawed due to the fact that it was self-measured. Like other studies, it puts the average at about 6 inches, with the majority of men being somewhere between 5 to 7 inches. That’s about as ‘exact’ as we can get. There was a study with Italian soldiers that put the average around 5 to 5.5. The Durex study was about 5.9. So, there’s a lot of abouts, arounds, somewhere-in-between’s.

Originally Posted by microbrew
She’s been with atleast 20 guys and when I asked her what she thought about my penis size, she told me it was small. …My size is 7’ x 5’

Did this woman spend a lot of time on a horse farm? There’s no possible way you were the smallest guy she’s had. Maybe if she was with 2-3 guys, but not 20.

You guys must remember that most women DO NOT know how to evaluate the size of a penis. I mean, they don’t know how to measure it and they often add 1-2 inches to its real size, especially if the penis is bigger than average (either length or girth).

I’ve seen some threads in other forums in which women were discussing the size of their mates’ penises. Well, about 20-25 different female forum members posted there and the average was above 8-9 inches long! I mean, only 1-2 of them said their mates’ penis was average sized (6 inches long). Most of them said their mates’ penises were bigger than 8 inches.

Perfectly ridiculous.

I’ve been told my penis was at least 8 inches long, when it’s actually just almost 17 cm long (close to 6,65 inches). Perhaps it was because of its bigger than average girth that she game me more length.

Originally Posted by jGman
Did this woman spend a lot of time on a horse farm?



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