Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Size's Data Information


Size's Data Information

Hi All,

I’ve been lurking for a while, and have liked what I’ve seen here. After reading a lot of the past posts, and looking through the “Size’s PE Data Base”, I wanted a better idea of the information that was there, and how I “fit in and measured up”.

I took the liberty of grabbing the data that existed today, and cranking it through excel to come up with some graphs.

If they are usable to anyone, let me know, and I’ll put up some more of the graphs out that I have created.

This series will be the data available that represents the initial member readings. Later I may do some growth data (for those that have at least 3 readings)

Hope you find this usefull.

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A loving doe, a graceful deer- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. Proverbs 5:19



Priddy graph!

What does number of responsdants mean? Is it just the size of everyone in ascending order? So, if you where 8 inches, you go across and see the number of respondants, and that is how you ‘stack up’?

Is that how it works? (Maths was actually one of my good subjects, surprisingly)


Thanks for the welcome.

>What does number of responsdants mean?

There were ~370 “repsondants” (members that entered data). Rather than try to have the member name show, it was just easier to let them show as 1, 2 etc.

>Is it just the size of everyone in ascending order?

When I first created the graph, it showed data points all over (no sorting), and was hard to get a decent feel of the trend for size. So for simplycity, I just have them show as a respondant number.

>So, if you where 8 inches, you go across and see the number of respondants, and that is how you ‘stack up’?

It does NOT mean that there were 350 people that were 8 inches (if so, we would really have a problem catching up). It just means that 350 out of 370 people reported being smaller than 8 inches before they started doing any PE.

Actually, you would probably want to do a little math to figure out that at 8 inches you would be ~350 out of 370 or somewhere around the 95th percentile (remember these are the INITIAL measurements when people reported them, not after they did any PE)

Is that how it works? (Maths was actually one of my good subjects, surprisingly) You pretty much are on target. Sorry I didn’t explain it better the first time around.

The averages that I came up with from the analysis are as follows:
BPEL 6.43, EG 5.09 FL 3.9 FG 3.72, EWidth 1.62, EV 13.56
The only flyer that I threw out was iamaru’s first entry of 11x7 (no way he shrank from that massive to his next reported size of 6.5x5.5).

You’ll also note that the number of responants is not the same for all information, this is because some members did not bother to enter some of the data.

Here are two more chart thats that are easier to read for details.

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A loving doe, a graceful deer- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. Proverbs 5:19

p-pal, are you a maths teacher by any chance?

I’ve done stuff like this before, but never this complicated :D

Welcome on board!

Good stuff man, at first I didn’t understand how to interpret the data. LOL

What would be interesting would be size as a function of time, although I’m not exactly sure how I could easily extrapolate change in time from the given data.

The averages that I came up with from the analysis are as follows:
BPEL 6.43, EG 5.09 FL 3.9 FG 3.72, EWidth 1.62, EV 13.56

The averages are holding with more respondents. There were only 194 when I ran some calculations last November. Starting size then was 6.41 by 5.09. See this thread.

>Later I may do some growth data (for those that have at least 3 readings)<

Cool. It should be interesting to see if things have changed since I did this. I used guys having at least 2 entries to calculate gains. I also had to make some guesses on several of the numbers. You’ll notice them. IIRC, one or two of the 1993 starting dates looked like someone forgot to enter the proper year when filling out the form. There were a couple other minor things, perhaps with the ages. I don’t remember.


>It does NOT mean that there were 350 people that were 8 inches (if so, we would really have a problem catching up). It just means that 350 out of 370 people reported being smaller than 8 inches before they started doing any PE.<

Yeah thats what I figured, thought i’d check though while I had your attention. Really good graphs, very interesting that the averages have held so close to hobby’s calculations.

I would like to see your growth charts when you make them too (assuming they also have priddy colours on them)

Good Luck


Originally posted by hobby
The averages are holding with more respondents. There were only 194 when I ran some calculations last November. Starting size then was 6.41 by 5.09. See this thread.

Looked at the thread, was glad to see that you crunched the data as well (don't know how I missed it before when I was scanning the archives, just too many threads here).

>Later I may do some growth data (for those that have at least 3 readings)<

It should be interesting to see if things have changed since I did this. I used guys having at least 2 entries to calculate gains. I also had to make some guesses on several of the numbers. You'll notice them. IIRC, one or two of the 1993 starting dates looked like someone forgot to enter the proper year when filling out the form. There were a couple other minor things, perhaps with the ages. I don't remember.

Yeah, I’ve seen the same thing as well.

On the growth I’ve got a couple of ideas on how I want to present the data, and will work them over the weekend, and put them up next week.


I’m neither a math or maths ;-) teacher, just a engineer that’s frustrated from time to time. Sometimes, its just a way to be creative and feel like I’ve gotten something accomplished.

Here are a couple more graphs. One is Pre-PE girth flaccid and erect, and the other is my first crack at growth data (now to figure out how to put data like this for 100 users on a single sheet, and make it usable).

Hope haiku doesn’t mind being the guinea pig on this one.


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A loving doe, a graceful deer- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. Proverbs 5:19

Cool, it will be hard to make a growth chart for everone without having 6000 lines all over the place. Could make fine art. Maybe you could put dates on the x, and inches up the y and make have each line represent the average for all members in EL, EG blah blah. Or maybe that would not work. How did I pass maths again?

So, are you going to add your data p-pal?


My data is already in the size data base. Just one reading though, as I’m just getting started.


A loving doe, a graceful deer- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. Proverbs 5:19

Hi all,

Didn’t get to the data crunching this weekend (had some issues at home to deal with).

I did put togther charts for those who have been active on this thread though. Let me know if they look correct. Hope they help visual progress in some areas.


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A loving doe, a graceful deer- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. Proverbs 5:19

No one ever made a graph about me before. I’m so touched!


Looks good. I had never seen my volume graphed before.

Thanks. :)

Y-Guy, Westla info

I took a few minutes and put together charts for Y-Guy and Westla. I’ve been reading through their posts, and seen the progress and advice they have given out, and thought it might be a nice piece of info for them.

I’m still trying to decide how to present the rest of the growth data, but have the chart making down to where it’s pretty quick to do. So if anyone else wants their chart cranked out, let me know.


A loving doe, a graceful deer- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. Proverbs 5:19

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