Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sizes Graded by Woman


Sizes Graded by Woman

I saw this on the net and thought that it was interesting. It’s no surprie that the much tauted 8” X 6” gets an “A.” but there also seems to be a point of diminishing returns as one getss much bigger.

The diagram is attached below.

Last edited by westla90069 : 05-24-2004 at . Reason: Fixed a "problem" in the attachment.

very interesting too bad im a D, my girlfriend doesnt seem to think so, oh well ill be C soon.

5/1/04 Before: 6.75x4.75" started back up again. 2/1/06 7 4/16x5" 3/1/06 7 7/16x5"

Goal: 8.5x6"

focusing on length now with stretches, hanging, and jelqing

That is actually size as graded by the wacky ass responsible for penisdebate - com.

I know a lot of PE’ers hate that site, but I always enjoyed it. I think the guy has a sick sense of humor. He’s pretty cool.

Yeah, that chart and the site have been discussed here before. Interesting reading at that site, but after discussing it, I believe most of us(but not all of us if I recall correctly) decided that much of it should be taken with a grain of salt.

My opinion is that that diagram is pure dog shit! :BS:

That diagram is flawed on so many counts I don’t have time to list them.

If that diagram depresses anyone then think twice, it’s not the universal truth on the matter.

For the record I’ve gone from E, to D, to C now. I still plan to get into the A/B category.

Also, note that the much touted 8x6 is only a B.



I feel bad for wanting to make my “A” grow to a “B” !?!? WTF??

"You can't judge a fisherman by the size of his boat, but a bigger boat sure makes his job easier!"- unknown "Its not the size of the boat, its the motion in the ocean. Yeah but it takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat!" - Jeff Foxworthy June 2002: BPEL:6.5-6.75" EG:5.5-5.75" ? (Toilet Paper tube girth) October 2003 BPEL:8.0" EG:6.5" mid 7.0" @ Base February 2005 same :( New Year's Resolution: Lose 15 lbs and break this stupid plateau!!!!

In my opinion, the lower bound for ideal girth is too high on that chart, while the upper bound for ideal length is too short.

I get a kick out of that site, especially the funny photos.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Just to say, I think that chart is incorrect, at least for girls in my neck of the woods!

That’s crap, they’re saying that the preferred girth is 6.5 inches. As if!!!!

I hope that chart is right, since if it is I plan on having business cards drawn up advertising myself.

I must be bigger!

5/1/04 Before: 6.75x4.75" started back up again. 2/1/06 7 4/16x5" 3/1/06 7 7/16x5"

Goal: 8.5x6"

focusing on length now with stretches, hanging, and jelqing

Very cool to see that he updated this chart to “incorporate the opinions of the enormous amount of women that have sent comments to this site and to me personally.”

Still no note about whether the EL should be read BP or NBP. According to the method used to determine his original chart, it’s NBP. Nevertheless a mention would have been appropriate IMO, especially considering that most penile “studies” are done and reported BP.
Now, after opinions of many women are weighed in, more uncertainties are present. Still an interesting update, exhibiting a big shift of the chart’s epicentrum to the left bottom corner.

Just add a grain of your salt of choice and enjoy the guy’s site. Lots of infotainment and fun to be had; IMO especially the vagina talk and graphics.

I didn’t take a close look at the new chart as I wasn’t aware the chart had been changed, thanks for pointing that out Ideal. I must say it does seem better than I recall. Still hard to trust this chart because of the way the website is written. For the record, according to this chart(I’m reading it as bp even if not intended that way) I was an E pre pe and am now a D after growth. There does seem to be truth to this chart from my experience. It doesn’t hold true for all the women I’ve been with though, since I think some did get some enjoyment from my pre pe size, even if it wasn’t intense.

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