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Skinproblem with the powerjelqdevice

Skinproblem with the powerjelqdevice

Hi again!

I have a relly anyoing problem, my skin - theres a hole lot of it

Its away when i hang, but i manage to clear that out …
Its in the way when i manualjelq, i can manage that too

But when i powerjelq the device drag all the skin with it, all up to the glans, and i feel i give less effect.

Does anyone of you have a solution on what i could do when powerjelqing, to get all the skin away i some way???

I received mine yesterday…..Lets see if its any good!

Thanks again for any kinds of replies!

Swede, I hear ya.

I don’t own a PJ, but just for kicks I made a similar device out of basic kitchen/grill materials. I see the same problem with the skin when I tried it. About the only thing you can really do is to use a base grip and stave off the blood out flow as well as to minimize skin pull from the base. Not a one hand operation, but it is effective for the stated problem. Those who know how to spell it often refer to this as a torniqutte…tourniq…aww fuck it, you get the idea! groa

Hey groa

Something else that was posted as being helpful on the PJ Forum. Remember your V tourniquet idea, using just two fingers in a V shape, for those that couldn’t do a full tourniquet grip? That may work also.

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powerjelq and loose skin


Are you circumsized or uncircumsized? I am circumsized, but after my good yearlong efforts with PE I have a lot looser skin on my penis to accommodate the increase in size. Anyway, when I use the powerjelq, I also pull some excess skin in the motion. This is not a big problem. The main thing to be sure that you are getting good powerjelqing pressure is to have a good erection (at least 85-90%). You can start off flaccid, but you won’t get the true benefits of the powerjelq unless you work up to a good erection. The point and your goal is again to have the powerjelq pressure expand the size of your penis beyond its normal comfort zone.

Your basic powerjelq move should begin by pushing the powerjelq deep into your groin area at the base of your penis, squeeze the grip and then pull up the shaft, stopping below the glans or head. You can begin with quicker
moves and then slow down as your erection grows.

Experiment with the grip pressure that you make with your hands as you pull up the shaft, and release the grip when you slide down into the starting position again.

I use only my single right hand to operate the powerjelq. I don’t use any lube, since I have enough natural cushion with the looser skin. If you do use lube, use it very lightly and wipe most of the residue off.

I hope this helps, but again you need to be patient and experiment with
your grip and pull of your powerjelq pull up the shaft and have a decent erection.l


So, I should not run into a problem really if I am cut with this device?

Thanks alot everyone!!

I must say, you guys are really helpful!

I will try some of your suggestrions….

The only thing i have tried by my self is to tie o string around my balls, and tried to pull down as much skin i can in tieing area.
It does help a littel….

Anyway thanks again!

Re: Swede, I hear ya.

Originally posted by groa
I don't own a PJ, but just for kicks I made a similar device out of basic kitchen/grill materials. I see the same problem with the skin when I tried it. About the only thing you can really do is to use a base grip and stave off the blood out flow as well as to minimize skin pull from the base. Not a one hand operation, but it is effective for the stated problem. Those who know how to spell it often refer to this as a torniqutte…tourniq…aww fuck it, you get the idea! groa

How did you come about making this device? I ‘ve looked and saw that the pj device closely resembles a set of jar tongs but i’m not so sure. could you probably email me some instructions on how you made your device and/or possibly some pics of your device. thanks alot.


fun to see another Swede on the international PE-arena!


I had the same problem when i first bought my powerjelq. what i do is sit on the edge of a chair and pull back most of loose skin. then i tuck the loose skin under my scrotum that way when i jelq or powerjelq there is minimal skin.


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