Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

So what the new trend in PE this year?


I’ve always thought about this - it’s just a matter of time before a flawless procedure is devised for growing the penis bigger. I’ve read recently that scientists are starting to look closely at a species of salamander that can regrow entire limbs - not just stumps but actual new joints. Obviously the first priority will be to help paralyzed/amputees - but imagine the potential with PE. On the other hand, if this procedure ever became accessible and affordable - 80% of guys would have 9 inch dicks. No one would ever stand out anymore in that area.

Originally Posted by biggerbone
I’ve always thought about this - it’s just a matter of time before a flawless procedure is devised for growing the penis bigger. I’ve read recently that scientists are starting to look closely at a species of salamander that can regrow entire limbs - not just stumps but actual new joints. Obviously the first priority will be to help paralyzed/amputees - but imagine the potential with PE. On the other hand, if this procedure ever became accessible and affordable - 80% of guys would have 9 inch dicks. No one would ever stand out anymore in that area.

Genetic engineering will eventually occur. Penis size, along with myostatin defects, genes to make guys tall and more masculine will be developed. I can’t even imagine what kind of superman scientists could make with the right genetic information and means to manipulate.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by Sultan
With stem cell enhancement for penises coming around it is only a matter of time (maybe a decade or so) before some nut tries to take it overboard and put himself in the Guinness World Record book with a 15 inch penis.

I hope there a way to distinguish a stem cell enhanced penis from a natural one. I am working too hard for my gains to let a cheater buy the same results.

Too right! now that would sicken me!

Originally Posted by dieselpower
I hear there is some new pills you can buy off the Internet and you will gain 3 inches in 4 months, Guaranteed!

You can also buy a bridge to pose for your pictures on, too!

Nothing beats a pastry board and rolling pin.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Why not try this ! Or not

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