Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Some not so obvious tricks for gains

Some not so obvious tricks for gains

Maybe these are obvious, I dunno. Don’t care. I’m logging this for myself so I can read it later and say to the voices in my head, I wrote that!

To which this one voice says, Murphkerkl. ~We~ wrote that, you idget. We are Saul!

I guess they’re right.

Anyway, we see a lot of advice about rest days (GROWTH days) and over-training, how these can affect gains. We argue consistency and intensity, and we discuss technique and injury, and we espouse heat and cool down routines as unskippable steps to a larger piece of wood.

A couple of things I see tickled frequently are porn and masturbation and maybe even sex. Certainly a correlation between these and gains, but not from the act themselves. Mostly, these affect EQ, and that can affect your exercises. We’ve discussed it.

I haven’t poked much into the supplement forums, but I have seen certain foods and herbs pitched for gains. It might be worth a look-see for me and for anyone else who hasn’t already nosed around in the pharm-posts to see if there is something to all those jazzy chemicals. But I don’t mean pharms or herbs, either. Those are pretty obvious.

One thing that’s not very obvious, but that I’ve seen mentioned, is hydration. I always stay hydrated, so that’s never an issue, but keeping your body fluidized is certainly a hidden key to any sort of health-related activity. Same with diet. Keep yourself well-fed and well-watered.

Another not-so-obvious thing is alcohol consumption. I can’t say there is a direct link between gains and ROH (that’s the general organic symbol for an alcohol), but there is a link between EQ and booze, and there is a link between EQ and PE. So easing off the booze can only help. Having a few might not hurt, either, but if it jacks with your erections, then your PE will suffer.

Same goes for other recreational poisons and brownies.

You also need enough sleep. A lot of PE requires a well-rested body, especially for the +70% erection exercises. So get your rest.

Along with sleep comes a clear head. Back to the porn and drugs and alcohol, which clog your head. When you are PE’ing, you need to find a ~zone~ and settle into the exercise. Much like sex, that means a quiet, private place with no distractions. That means a period of time where you will not be disturbed. That means no alcohol or drugs and a well-rested body, and low stress from work and life and relationships.

We also discuss various lubes. The right lube makes your job smoother, a lot more fun, and allows for that clear-headedness required for a solid workout.

Another thing I don’t think I’ve ever seen mentioned is opposable thumbs. I think that’s an egregious oversight. Having thumbs is critical, just behind stretching our clitoris into a tiny penis during those first few gestational weeks as we plot our escape from the only vagina we never ever want to be in again.

Speaking of gestation, I’m really glad our nipples don’t turn into something like extra penises or some such, that it’s just the vagina morphing into a penis and the ovaries into balls and everything else is pretty much the same for boys and girls. Just imagine. We should all be thankful we don’t have pecker-boobs or we’d be jacking off non-stop because once you blew one, the other two would need a turn and so it goes.

- Saul

Bigger, Stronger, Thicker, Longer

2016-08-26: 6 1/8" x 5 ... 2017-02-28: 6 3/4" x 5... 2017-07-08: 6 7/8" x 5 1/8"

Hey Saul collective,

Interesting thoughts!

I think if you’re looking for things that improve or kill EQ, caffeine is something worth a special note due to its widespread overuse.

Which do you think is more important… Having a clear head or having killer EQ? THC, for example, instantly pops EQ to 110% but does not do the same for clear-headedness, to put it mildly. I’d like to hear what your thoughts are on that. Probably not for a PE session, but I’ve combined it with extensive edging before.

Plus what are your thoughts on subliminal messages, affirming thoughts and such? I’m pretty sure one of your voices must have had an opinion on it.

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Originally Posted by CrusherBrooks
Hey Saul collective,
Interesting thoughts!
I think if you’re looking for things that improve or kill EQ, caffeine is something worth a special note due to its widespread overuse.
Which do you think is more important… Having a clear head or having killer EQ? THC, for example, instantly pops EQ to 110% but does not do the same for clear-headedness, to put it mildly. I’d like to hear what your thoughts are on that. Probably not for a PE session, but I’ve combined it with extensive edging before.
Plus what are your thoughts on subliminal messages, affirming thoughts and such? I’m pretty sure one of your voices must have had an opinion on it.

Caffeine: Yep, I cut that out, too, but forgot to mention it. Good catch. A little caffeine, say a half-caff small cup of coffee, is plenty of punch if you just need a lift. More than that, and it can become a distraction.

THC: Never messed with it, but I’d imagine supplements like Viagra/Cialis would actually ~help~ PE. If it jacks your mind, you’d run a risk of overdoing it, especially if you’re using devices. A lot of the process is discipline and control. So that clear head is very, very important.

Positive Affirmation: Another good catch. I’ve seen that mentioned on here and agree completely. For instance, I call my rest days “growth” days. That’s a positive affirmation. Doing something as simple as giving your dog a good name is is another affirmation. I call mine Vin Diesel, even to my wife. I’ll ask her sometimes if she wants to watch the next install of Vin Diesel’s Fast & Furious. This one’s called Slow & Sumptuous. Positive affirmation is ~always~ a necessary component. It keeps you optimistic during the lulls, and boosts your confidence despite your absolute values. Good catch.

- Saul

Bigger, Stronger, Thicker, Longer

2016-08-26: 6 1/8" x 5 ... 2017-02-28: 6 3/4" x 5... 2017-07-08: 6 7/8" x 5 1/8"

I personally smoke marijuana (THC). After I have used, I get a lot harder than normal. Also I tend to be more relaxed after smoking and I’m sure that contributes to the fact that I last a LOT longer when I’m high. I’ve heard that it makes some people bust faster, but that’s not the case for me. It’s kind of weird yet legitimately a thing for me. My experience with alchohol is that it caps my erection at like 80%. The sex lasts long, but my girlfriend likes it when I’m rock hard. So yeah lay off the the booze if you want better EQ.

Originally Posted by CrusherBrooks
Hey Saul collective,
Interesting thoughts!
I think if you’re looking for things that improve or kill EQ, caffeine is something worth a special note due to its widespread overuse.
Which do you think is more important… Having a clear head or having killer EQ? THC, for example, instantly pops EQ to 110% but does not do the same for clear-headedness, to put it mildly. I’d like to hear what your thoughts are on that. Probably not for a PE session, but I’ve combined it with extensive edging before.
Plus what are your thoughts on subliminal messages, affirming thoughts and such? I’m pretty sure one of your voices must have had an opinion on it.

Wait till you build a big tolerance to THC, now it doesn’t really do anything for EQ. It’s just normal

Gaining in progress...

Originally Posted by Sully

Wait till you build a big tolerance to THC, now it doesn’t really do anything for EQ. It’s just normal

If anything, TCH makes my head clearer if you will. As if doubts and distractions are drowned out, and actual thoughts have the space to develop themselves. Not a huge tolerance either, I toke up maybe once every month or two.

Hi, I have been smoking marihuana 10years and I keep smoking. I don’t think THC will afect EQ. Every time I got excited I have rock solid erections including mornings woods.

I think the general point is dead on: lifestyle choices can improve or hinder EQ, which in turn affects ones PE efforts, directly or indirectly.

I’m not sure what you have against brownies though, but over-consumption of alcohol (no need to get into generic chemical formulas when there’s only 1 type we consume) during a PE session is definitely risky, for the impaired motor skills and decision-making abilities.

Nearly every evening PE session I’ve done has been accompanied by a solid dose of THC. It improves focus, mind-body awareness, relaxation and EQ (unless you’re getting super high). It does obviously affect the mind, but the effects are not like those of alcohol. At least you admit to not having any experience with it, so readers can take that advice with a big grain of salt.

06/15: 7.5" x 5.5"

06/17: 8.5" x 5.6"

Goal: 9" x 5.75"

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