I will pretty much Parrot what BIB said on his forum to me.
Me:>What is your theory on rest days? I fully agree that length does not need rest days, and with SD and BTC we are attacking the ligs, however that kind of goes against the cell regeneration theory I think when it comes to the tunica. But who knows.<
Bib: “I have no idea what the “cell regeneration theory” is. Gains come from deformation of the collagenous tissues, whether tunica or ligs. Deformation does not occur while resting. Healing occurs while resting. Healed tissues are harder to deform.
Please give me any physiological reason for taking rest days. In ten years, I have not heard one.”
He also said in another thread, something like this: “So assume you hang for 2 hours per day. Your body is healing for 22 hours after that, take a day off, and it is 48, not good. The tissues are now healed back stronger and much harder to deform.”
He made a GREAT POINT.
Rush, This state of dick is super hard for me to get. My big health problem is neurotransmitter defiencies. The first time I got on Wellbutrin the dopamine/nor epinephrine re-uptake inhibitor, my penis totally loosened up, hung about an inch lower, and would stretch great. It would never pull out of my ADS (it happens now it stiffens up) and I could pull it to my stretching point, and then a few CM past and feel the fatigue coming. Now? I pull it to my stretch point (8.25 BPSFL) and it will NOT budge. Fatigue is minor from hanging as well, and erections aren’t as good. I am consulting with my genius doctor soon and ask him about it, he will know.