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Strengthening the PC Muscle

Strengthening the PC Muscle

Kegels and reverse kegels while hanging to strengthen PC muscle!! Is this a good idea? If so who does this? What do you use(bib hanger, wench).Does this beat regular PC clamps and edging? I want to improve my PC muscle strength to attain it’s benefits such as harder erections(for clamping) and lasting longer in bed.Lets here it!

This has some relevance to what you are on about.

How important are kegels

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by big Bori333
Kegels and reverse kegels while hanging to strengthen PC muscle!! Is this a good idea? If so who does this? What do you use(bib hanger, wench).Does this beat regular PC clamps and edging? I want to improve my PC muscle strength to attain it’s benefits such as harder erections(for clamping) and lasting longer in bed.Lets here it!

If you want to last longer you can have trouble. According to my own experience and experience of many other PErs strong PC muscle increases sensitivity. It stimulates prostate which is something similar to ‘G-spot’ in men. Notice that when you are about to ‘shoot’ your muscle starts to contract. Without contraction you would not be able to to have ejaculation. Relaxed PC muscle is better for orgasm control.

Strong PC muscle can help with erection but in my opinion NOW WAY it can help last longer :)

Originally Posted by disi
If you want to last longer you can have trouble. According to my own experience and experience of many other PErs strong PC muscle increases sensitivity. It stimulates prostate which is something similar to ‘G-spot’ in men. Notice that when you are about to ‘shoot’ your muscle starts to contract. Without contraction you would not be able to to have ejaculation. Relaxed PC muscle is better for orgasm control.

Strong PC muscle can help with erection but in my opinion NOW WAY it can help last longer :)

Are you kidding me.How do you think porn stars cum on que.they have outrageous control because they have a strong have to be able to clamp real hard at the right second to refrain from ejaculation.

In fact a strong PC muscle is the base for multiorgasmic men and obviously for ejaculation control.

Best Regards for everyone at the BEST FORUM IN THE WORLD!

Abril 25, 2007 | (16.0 BPEL x 12.0 EG)

Junio 4, 2007 | (16.5 BPEL x 12.5 EG)

Julio 26, 2007 | (16.7 BPEL x 12.5 EG)

Originally Posted by big Bori333
Are you kidding me.How do you think porn stars cum on que.they have outrageous control because they have a strong have to be able to clamp real hard at the right second to refrain from ejaculation.

Oh really? :) Any experience with that or you ‘just heard about it’? Anyway - I told you what is my experience and many, many other guys who would like to last longer. You do not have to believe - go and see for yourself how it works ;)

Second thing is that ‘porno stars’ shoot many times during the scene :) Besides each scene is made of few smaller scenes…they are not f…ing hard 20 minutes long from the beginning of the clip till the end! :)

Originally Posted by cdanielc
In fact a strong PC muscle is the base for multiorgasmic men and obviously for ejaculation control.

As to ‘multiorgasmic’ issue-that is completely different story. You are not delaying any orgasm in this way(you just stop ejaculation in order to have ‘dry orgasm’). What I am working on is ‘control’ of climax. I have tried this ‘tao’ and ‘tantra’ things…does not work for me :( Besides - I do not want to have any ‘multi-whatever’ orgasms without ejaculation…I just want to have longer sex with FULL ejaculation…right on the belly of my GF! ;)

Last edited by disi : 05-18-2007 at .

Originally Posted by disi
Strong PC muscle can help with erection but in my opinion NOW WAY it can help last longer.

Well, this is not exactly true.

Kegels and reverse Kegels can be employed to help prolong erection and stave off orgasm, but this has to be incorporated into a total approach to the act of sex. One has to know their body pretty well, and the overall approach to intercourse must undergo a bit of an overhaul.

Once learned, however, Kegels can be an integral part of being a sexual superhero.

And, yeah, disi, I know from personal experience.

Originally Posted by disi
As to ‘multiorgasmic’ issue-that is completely different story. You are not delaying any orgasm in this way(you just stop ejaculation in order to have ‘dry orgasm’). What I am working on is ‘control’ of climax. I have tried this ‘tao’ and ‘tantra’ things…does not work for me :( Besides - I do not want to have any ‘multi-whatever’ orgasms without ejaculation…I just want to have longer sex with FULL ejaculation…right on the belly of my GF!

You don’t know what you’re missing. And I also suspect the reason that it doesn’t work for you is contained in this attitude right here.

You can’t ‘control’ your orgasm - or rather your ejaculation, as it is an involuntary muscle spasm. This is why there is a so-called ‘point of no return’.

You’d have to re-think your whole approach sex, I’d wager.

big_Borri you make a great point. Now how about following the forum guidelines when you do it?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 05-18-2007 at .


I understand you. And I know about reverse Kegels-yes, this may help…but not Kegels. And I do not mean ‘stop ejaculation’…I mean ‘control of climax’…There is NOW WAY that you can control your psychology/emotions with any muscle(in this direction-when you contract muscle). I remember that before I started Kegels I could last much, much longer than now. And I believe that orgasm is 90% mental thing-Kegels can only boost it…not delay. It is not the DICK that has is BRAIN. (see what Paxil did for me) Moreover - strong PC muscle touches prostate…it is known that this can only increase sensitivity…this is the way many Gay men feel pleasure…they stimulate prostate from behind.

Secondly…I am sure we have different approaches as you said. I am 27…things that are good for me does not have to be good for you. If you are older than me you must have different attitude to many things. For many years I have studied Buddhism and other systems (like Taoism). After many years I can say that it is only ‘one of many’ systems…nothing special than other. That ‘hype’ with ‘energy in body’ just does not get to me:) Sorry…If you believe in that it will work for you..great :) I do not believe in that because I used to last longer without any ‘energy control’ means something.

I am sure I have to re-think it but not in the direction you propose :) I am sure that in order to last longer I have to change my ‘patterns’. Deep down in my mind there is a ‘believe’ that makes me ejaculate soon…What is it? I do not know yet…fear of women? Maybe…. I do not know yet but I am sure this is the key for me…. Maybe when I am 40-50 I will start thinking about my semen…at this point I got too much of it and want to spread it ALL OVER the world ;)

Have to admit been having trouble holding out with new girlfriend, but last night we had sex for 30 minutes and I still didn’t cum. I’ve been working the hell out of my PC muscle and think it’s the reason why I lasted so long. Thanks for all of you info.

Originally Posted by big Bori333
Are you kidding me.How do you think porn stars cum on que.they have outrageous control because they have a strong have to be able to clamp real hard at the right second to refrain from ejaculation.

I think porn stars ‘seemingly’ cum on cue because for the most part, when they’re fucking(with a semi I might much for a strong pc muscle),you will notice the scene ‘cut’ and resume to where they’re suddenly about to blow their load. And if porn stars had such conditioned pc muscles, wouldn’t they have boners of solid rock?

Plus, isn’t the ‘BC’ muscle responsible for the ‘clamping’ to prolong ejaculation, and also ejaculation trajectory? I may be wrong, but try to contract and hold your BC as hard as you can, for as long as you can without your anus puckering and see how strong it is. I know mine is pretty weak, but I have a decent PC. Perhaps the PC is not the issue here.


Originally Posted by disi
Strong PC muscle can help with erection but in my opinion NOW WAY it can help last longer :)

Your opinion is wrong.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

I’m going to start kegeling everyday(20+ minutes) and look into kegeling while hanging with weights

Originally Posted by disi


I understand you. And I know about reverse Kegels-yes, this may help…but not Kegels.

Clearly you do not understand me.

Originally Posted by disi
And I do not mean ‘stop ejaculation’…I mean ‘control of climax’…There is NOW WAY that you can control your psychology/emotions with any muscle(in this direction-when you contract muscle). I remember that before I started Kegels I could last much, much longer than now. And I believe that orgasm is 90% mental thing-Kegels can only boost it…not delay. It is not the DICK that has is BRAIN. (see what Paxil did for me) Moreover - strong PC muscle touches prostate…it is known that this can only increase sensitivity…this is the way many Gay men feel pleasure…they stimulate prostate from behind.

Your understanding of physiology and how it integrates with psychology is breath taking.

However, that you could last much longer prior to Kegeling is in no way contrary to what I’m saying.

While it’s true that the brain is involved with our orgasmic response it does take it’s cues from our physical reality. Certain things work a certain way given our physiological make-up; most are fairly universal and predictable, with some degree of variation.

Originally Posted by disi
Secondly…I am sure we have different approaches as you said. I am 27…things that are good for me does not have to be good for you. If you are older than me you must have different attitude to many things. For many years I have studied Buddhism and other systems (like Taoism). After many years I can say that it is only ‘one of many’ systems…nothing special than other. That ‘hype’ with ‘energy in body’ just does not get to me:) Sorry…If you believe in that it will work for you..great :) I do not believe in that because I used to last longer without any ‘energy control’ means something.

It does work. It is not hype. And you are definitely 27.

If, at the ripe old age of 27, you feel you have thoroughly explored Tao-ist practices that go back a couple thousand years and, in your expert opinon, you’ve determined they are nothing but hype…there’s not a lot I can say to you. Thankfully I’m posting so that others, besides you, may read and hopefully explore what I’m saying themselves.

In order for those techniques to work one must develop greater sensitivity to ones personal physical responses and devote some attention to this with a willingness to try something other than what is already known, as well as an understanding that it’s not going to work right away. Such adjustments take time to fully understand, and more time to achieve. Before they can be achieved at all, however, they must be understood: what is meant by the techniques in question and how they are to be employed.

If, for example, you are having sex and feel yourself about to ejaculate (which is different than an orgasm), and you then Kegel really hard at that point, the likelihood is that it will hasten your ejaculation. Particularly if you continue to be stimulated.

Such a scenario basically proves nothing, other than that the apprehension of the technique is faulty.

Originally Posted by disi
I am sure I have to re-think it but not in the direction you propose :) I am sure that in order to last longer I have to change my ‘patterns’. Deep down in my mind there is a ‘belief’ that makes me ejaculate soon…What is it? I do not know yet…fear of women? Maybe…. I do not know yet but I am sure this is the key for me…. Maybe when I am 40-50 I will start thinking about my semen…at this point I got too much of it and want to spread it ALL OVER the world ;)

Like I said, you are definitely 27 - and that’s just my taking your word for it; I’m generous that way.

With regard to PE practices: 50 Kegels are recommended in the Newbie Routine post work-out, after you have warmed down.

These are not done with an erection.

The purpose is to enhance muscle tone, which will promote firmer erections when they occur.

Firmer erections can, in some cases, lead to increased sensitivity, which can have an impact on ones control, and so the approach to the sexual experience needs to be changed in order to accomodate this.

Generally speaking, however, the Kegels themselves are a good practice for the overall health of the organ.

One can Kegel during an erection, and even during intercourse, but this is done in a different way for entirely different reasons. There are a variety of techniques which allow one to control ejaculation. They vary from thinking about your grandmother, to deep breathing, etc.. Needless to say, not all of them are equally effective.

The Tao-ist approach isn’t for everyone; one has to arrive at something that works for the individual. However, before decrying a technique as ‘hype’ or flatly stating that Kegels “don’t work” it might be good to recognize that the problem may be in the individual ability to assimilate, not in the technique itself.

A general FYI: Porn stars do not universally “clamp down” a Kegel to delay orgasm. The vast majority of cumming on cue is done through mutliple takes and the magic of editing. Often the priorites there have to do with the shot of the girl and how it all looks.

Just so we’re clear: it isn’t sex. It’s the movies. So maybe put the porn aside a while and concentrate on your real love-life? Just a thought.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Random question about strengthening the PC muscle. How do I know I’m working the PC muscle and not just tightening the anus?

Starting Stats: 7 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG (April 14, 2010)

Current Stats: 7 BPEL x 5.8125 MSEG

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