Stretching ligs or skin?
I have been jelqing for about 1.5 months now and in the last week have started stretching. I was getting quite a hot tight sensation while I was stretching which I happily assumed was the ligs stretching. Then yesterday I had an awful thought- I tried pulling the skin alone- and would you believe it, the same sensation. How do I know when I am hitting the ligs? what does it feel like and where abouts is the feeling? Also how do I overcome just pulling the skin? One other thing- I gained 0.5 in in the first 3-4 weeks but in these last 3 weeks have gained I think nothing. I realise 0.5/month cannot be maintained, that would give me 2in in 4 months :) At what point though should I start considering this a plateau and change my routine? Sorry to be a hassle but advice would be muchily appreciated.
keeep going!