Originally Posted by Makehergocrazy
I’m almost positive I have read a few times that stretching down puts more stress on your tunica compared to stretching up? Hmmmm.
If you look at an anatomical diagram, you’ll see that the suspensory ligaments “hold up” the penis at the base.
When penis lengthening surgery is performed where the ligaments are surgically severed, you’ll notice that the penis just hangs vertically down, no matter it’s level of erection. The ligaments no longer “hold it up”.
Part of the recovery for that surgery, and to maximize length gains, is to hand weights that pull the penis vertically down, in order to prevent the ligaments from reattaching.
Also, just from a subjective feeling during stretching. When stretching in any direction lower than horizontal, you can feel your ligaments stretch, and if you overdo it, you will feel a “lig pop”. When you stretch upward, you can feel the stretching only in the penis itself. That’s the tunica stretching.
The tunica has two layers of perpendicularly opposes parallel fibers, picture a hash tag:
the two horizontal lines are one layer of the tunica’s parallel fibers, and the two vertical lines are the second layer of parallel fibers. One layer is aligned in the direction of the length of your penis, and the other layer is aligned with the circumference.
In order to get the maximum expansion in the tunica, you need to stretch in both directions of the fibers of the tunica.
Manual stretching, hanging, and wearing ADS stretch one layer of the tunica fibers, and
Erect squeezes and clamping stretch the other layer.
Jelqing and pumping stretch both layers of the tunica as they apply force in both directions.
The routine I follow is based on the newbie routine, with erect squeezes added. All done under heat in the shower.
Heat is the secret ingredient as it makes all tissues more flexible and allows greater tissue expansion for a given amount of applied force, which minimizes the risk of injury.