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Sunday Night Sex Show

Sunday Night Sex Show

I was watching the Sunday Night Sex Show tonight and a guy called up to ask about his penis being small, and if there was anything he could do about it (pumps, pills). The host replied with certainty that there was absolutely no way to increase the size of one’s penis. She even said she had spoken to an expert urologist. I really felt bad for the guy because he sounded very distraught, and she left him with no hope whatsoever. It really made me question the opinions, not just PE related, of so called “experts” in all walks of life. She lost a lot of credibility in my eyes.

She is just misinformed like 99.99% of everyone else on the subject.

I’ve seen this show once or twice. It just seems so… um… wrong, watching a 70-something year old woman talking about fisting, ejaculation, and giant dildos.


That topic has come up a number of times on her show. A lot of guys call in concerned about their size. It is unfortunate that she doesn’t know about PE. Sometimes she does do a good job dispelling myths about size though. I think the show is just very very basic sex ed. A lot of the people calling in are pretty naïve. I remember one guy calling in saying that his girlfriend won’t swallow because she is afraid she will get pregnant & he asked if that is possible. Sue explained that the digestive system & uterus are two separate systems & pointed out that if his girlfriend eats a peanut butter sandwich it doesn’t come out her vagina. If nothing else, some of the caller’s questions are entertaining in a Jerry Springer kinda way. I agree, it’s amazing/weird hearing someone her age say the things she does.


If we’re referring to Sue Johanson (of the Sunday Night Sex Show), I think we all have to appreciate her efforts as well as the coordinators of the show for providing an outlet for those who are confused, worried and naive in regards to sex. There is a lot of misinformation being thrown around out there by peers and now, the internet. This show helps to clear up the confusion…I’m glad its there.

In regards to penile enlargement, I’m pretty certain that the show would get into legal trouble if she endorsed manual exercises. In fact, I imagine caution would be one of the biggest issues on their agenda for any and all of her advice.

I wouldn’t worry about those guys getting distaught from her advice…as we all know, concerns about our dick size never seem to go away. The curious mind is a blessing…it’s the basis for bringing most of us here.

>>>I remember one guy calling in saying that his girlfriend won’t swallow because she is afraid she will get pregnant & he asked if that is possible.

It isn’t possible?!? Now if I could just convince wifey…

Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

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