Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

super setting for length

super setting for length

Hey guys

Lately I have been doing a lot of hanging for 25 minute sets with the bib and than I do a set of manual stretches”blasters” and than shake it out get the blood flowing and repeat the process if I have the time up to a couple of hours of this back a fourth. I have been hitting the ligs and the tunica hard and I think I’m making gains but I sat on my wood ruler and broke it so when I get a ruler I will measure, but it looks bigger to me.

Anybody else supper setting for length?


I’ve been super setting for about 2 months with some manual stretches and my Blaster routine. Since April 5th I have gained 3/8” BPFSL:) so for me this type of routine is definately working!

The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.


Nice gain! How long to you work it for?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I break my routine into AM and PM.

In the AM I work mainly my girth by super setting wet jelqs with Uli’s and Sad Saks. Usually perform 5 sets (100 jelqs,1-30 sec. Uli, 1 Sad Sak) Which takes me about 20 minutes not including warm up.

PM is my all length routine. I do all my Blasters then when my Ligs, Tunica and muscles are burnt out I perform up to 5 sets of manual stretches which takes about 30 minutes. So including warm up and cool down it costs me a little over an hour a day.

If your interested I posted my complete routine last week.

The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.


Sounds like a good routine, well thought out. I will check it out

If you have the time you should check out the bib hanger, hanging really burns the ligs I don’t get the burning feeling from stretches.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yeah, I’ve contemplated hanging but I don’t think I could convince the wife. She loves watching my AM jelquing but cringes when I start stretching at night. I would probably be a little more interested if it wasn’t for the consistent gains I’ve had just with my hands.

The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.


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