Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Karamojong became impotent (erectile dysf.) cause of ADS - what are the ADSrisks?


A recent post made by ivorytower on this:

ivorytower - Debunking.

Maybe he can chime in and say more things about it.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Gents, I’ve been there, and to other parts of Africa and seen it with my own two eyes.
That is one of the things that got me interested in PE.

The first time I seen it the guy was in his 50’s or 60’s and everyone in camp knew about it, except for us visitors. He was from north of where we were and he spoke little English. He tried his best to explain the way they did it, the stretching that is. From all that I could gather it was just crude hanging.

I am convinced that gentle but constant and gradually increasing stretching (ads) is probably the safest surest and actually quickest form of permenant length gains.

12/10, Bpel-7", Mseg-6", Beg-6.3"

07/11, Bpel-7.85, Mseg-6.5", Beg-6.9" My routine and pics here

Feel free to ask me Q’s about what I seen, though im not an expert on what I seen.
I will tell you the longest I seen would not permit the owner to wear shorts that were anywhere above his knees.
Idk how long he was, but at least 15 inches. He tightened his pants around it.

Other guys simple showed it off, they were proud.
As to them getting erect, I never seen that but on several occasions I heard that they indeed had ED.

12/10, Bpel-7", Mseg-6", Beg-6.3"

07/11, Bpel-7.85, Mseg-6.5", Beg-6.9" My routine and pics here

START: [23 FEB 2010] BPEL: 6.5, EG: 4.9 [AUG 23 2010] BPEL: 7.75, EG: 5.3 [AUG 23 2011] BPEL: 8.1, EG: 6.0

MINI-GOAL: 8x6 (reached); LONG-TERM GOAL: 12x9

Interesting article but hardly proves anything.

I have worked for governments and a globally known gas and oil co. that I need not mention.
I have been in the most remote places on earth.

I do not know where that author is from, but I will make one immediate observation about her: I’ve never seen an east African with that light of skin. Again that hardly proves anything.
Another very obvious mention that suggests she is misleading, is the comment about “AK47’s.” East Africans are incredibly poor (she seems college educated with a perfect use of grammar and English, hmm) and when, on the extremely incredibly rare occasions where east Africans have firearms they are antique weapons that are generally muzzle loading.

Government workers and poachers are the only black east africans I have seen carrying assault weapons.

I have no way of prooving where she is from, but I have suspicions.

That said, it means nothing to me as I have seen and heard what my eyes and ears irrefutably proved.

To each their own.


12/10, Bpel-7", Mseg-6", Beg-6.3"

07/11, Bpel-7.85, Mseg-6.5", Beg-6.9" My routine and pics here

Thanks ivorytower for the description.

Have you taken any pics ? Not necessarily pics of their penises(lol), but pics of their tribe which can give us a hint about their penis length.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Sadly no. Last night when I wrote the posts above I thought of that.

When I first started traveling I used to take a great many photos but like things are in life we become more complacent.

Less gear and less clothes!

12/10, Bpel-7", Mseg-6", Beg-6.3"

07/11, Bpel-7.85, Mseg-6.5", Beg-6.9" My routine and pics here

Penis pill/device companies use these stories to market their products and then there’s DLD who has a PE paysite.

I don’t buy it. I’ve seen tons of these stories on the net. Usually it’s a mysterious tribe in a remote location that practice PE and have huge dicks, sounds familiar? How about the “origin of the jelq”, any old timers remember that one? How it was an “arabic tradition” and that the word comes from the arabic language.

To quote the infamous DLD who exploited (created?) this myth,
“I went online and I found a backdoor to some text Arabic stuff that I translated, and it turned out to be an exercise called jelqing.” - DLD

Just let that quote settle in, read it again. Does your brain hurt yet? It’s absurd, what does that even mean, a “backdoor” to a text? It’s so absurd it’s actually hilarious!

It’s easy to take these things for granted, but the more you really think about it and research it the more the myths seems to vanish into thin air. Where’s all the evidence and proof? They seem to be mysteriously non-existent. I have yet to see any proof of any huge tribal dicks or that they even practice PE as an tradition.

My Measurements | My Favorites

someone has to go there and take pictures…or better: a video. nearly impossible to fake and edit something.

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

Not impossible, I think Tom Hubbard created a shopped pic of an African tribal guy with a knot in his penis (as a joke, I suppose), and somewhone still believes that pic is true; actually, on some paysites or extenders sites you can find that very same pic.

Originally Posted by marinera
Not impossible, I think Tom Hubbard created a shopped pic of an African tribal guy with a knot in his penis (as a joke, I suppose), and somewhone still believes that pic is true; actually, on some paysites or extenders sites you can find that very same pic.

I saw that pic on several sites too. Hilarious right ? :)

But, I still think in human history there were people who did hang weights from their penises . I can imagine this 100% .

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Originally Posted by ivorytower
Gents, I’ve been there, and to other parts of Africa and seen it with my own two eyes.
That is one of the things that got me interested in PE.

The first time I seen it the guy was in his 50’s or 60’s and everyone in camp knew about it, except for us visitors. He was from north of where we were and he spoke little English. He tried his best to explain the way they did it, the stretching that is. From all that I could gather it was just crude hanging.

I am convinced that gentle but constant and gradually increasing stretching (ads) is probably the safest surest and actually quickest form of permenant length gains.

Hi Ivory

Stumbled across this post… Very interesting what you found out by discussing with that guy - I think you’re the first one I know who has actually discussed/posed the question about PE directly to local Karamojong men. I wish I had done so, but didn’t know much about PE at the time. But must say that I’m not at all surprised, and it’s nice to have it confirmed (along with Freewilly’s post earlier) - I mean I’ve worked up in the Karamojong areas myself some years back and can definitely confirm that those guys have the biggest flaccids I’ve seen in all my travels (along with the Turkana across the border in Kenya as well). To just be a result of genetics or gravity doesn’t seem feasible to me. Although gravity for sure must have some impact on its own - I mean I remember that the Dinka in South Sudan were pretty well hung too, so something about being naked all your life and the constant gravitational pull on the penis must have an impact compared to those that wear clothes, especially in these countries where it’s so hot as well. But those Karamojong are definitely really hung - and I don’t know if it’s me mis-remembering now, but do I remember that the Karamojong guys’ flaccids dangled differently? My impression was that they hung differently to the Dinka by way of comparison - very much straight down, and similar to when you’ve had a good manual stretching session.

By way of explanation for why I’m interested in this - I actually became interested in PE after working in the area (as well as in Turkana and South Sudan), not because at the time I thought the guys were doing PE, but only because I wanted to know if it was possible to become bigger myself. I don’t know how other guys work in those areas without getting a size complex, bu everywhere I looked I saw hung men - and you can’t help noticing - men either naked or partly naked walking along the road, sitting down on stools with dicks dangling in the dust, or bathing in ponds… so clearly I felt small by comparison and that’s how I got into researching/doing PE. So glad I did as I’ve got over 1 inch now and a whole lot of self confidence. But knowing for sure that those Karamojong guys also did PE is to me very interesting and also reassuring in some way.

About photographic evidence of weights and Karamojong, I have trawled the web trying to find the original photo, but can’t find at the moment. But here is the same photo but poorer quality (original is in colour): . I had found the original photo by searching for Karamojong, and looking at the environment and other things like the necklace, it seems right for that part of the world. What do you think?


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