The numbers don't lie
Ok, I’ve always been afraid of measuring, but I finally took the plunge!
I measured before I started; despite being afraid to do so, and my nbsfl was 6.5 inches. Currently the same type of measurement yields 7.375; hell yeah! The funny thing about all of this, is that my dick does look a little larger, but not as much as what the numbers say. I guess it’s kind of the when you look at yourself and you can’t see how much muscle your really have type of syndrome that comes into play here; does anyone else experience this?
And to add, just because it sounds so good to say, or type; my bpfsl is 8 inches! I feel so damn good!
Now, I’m still afraid to take an erect measurement, so I’m going to wait till my nbsfl reaches 8 inches before I do so.