Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The PC muscle and Yohimbine / Nitric Oxide...

The PC muscle and Yohimbine / Nitric Oxide...

Hey guys,

I am a newbie and have been doing alot of searching and reading. Before I ever heard that PE was possible, I was able to gain about 1 inch EL by “flexing” my PC muscle and holding it whenever I got a spontaneous erection. I never really thought about it, I just smiled when I realized it was actually growing. It’s awesome to read about the science behind why this works !

My question is regarding the effect Yohimbine HCL and Nitric Oxide supplements have on the PC muscle. I have used Y-HCL both for fatloss and as a sex /stamina enhancer. I read that the longer you can flex the PC muscle the better, but I also have heard that erections lasting longer than 4 hours are not healthy. Which is it ?

Thanks !

Originally Posted by pt
Hey guys,

I am a newbie and have been doing alot of searching and reading. Before I ever heard that PE was possible, I was able to gain about 1 inch EL by “flexing” my PC muscle and holding it whenever I got a spontaneous erection. I never really thought about it, I just smiled when I realized it was actually growing. It’s awesome to read about the science behind why this works !
Thanks !

How do you know for sure that Kegeling did this? Do you have starting BP measurements? How long did it take to gain 1 inch? This sounds just to easy! I do not think anyone here at thunders can say that only kegeling will show gains. But congratulations and Welcome to Thunders.


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