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The Spiral Penis Stretch Illustrated


The Spiral Penis Stretch Illustrated

Ok let’s see if I can explain with some pictures this exercise. The first one is the lateral spiral stretch.

Steps :

1) Start as a regular SO or SD stretch (fig.1);

2) rotate the hand gripping the glans 90 degrees clokwise (supposing you are gripping with the right hand); the ventral side of your penis should be facing out left at the end of this manouvre (fig. 2);

3) now, take the fuclrum with your left hand (a smooth plastic or metallic tube of thin diameter) and put it under your penis, above the balls,, as close to your body as you can; it is important to always keep the penis stretched while doing this (fig. 3); the right side of your penis should be in direct contact with the fulcrum:

4) now, wrap your penis around the fulcrum: stretch downward with your right hand, while the left arm pull the fulcrum straight up; when the penis is blend at 90 degrees with the fulcrum, the left hand pulls SO the fuclrum (so the base of the penis) whilst the right hand, keeping the penis stretched all the time, pull it down->toward the body->between your body and the fulcrum-> finally, SO (fig. 4- fig. 5).

5) rest in that position for a while, without pulling at too much force; than, when you feel your penis has kinda accomodated to the stretch, try repeating again steps 4): try performing another spiral ( wrapping your penis again along the fulcrum perimeter) or half or the fraction of spiral you can accomplish.

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It takes a really long cock to do that maneuver. The first time I saw it a long time ago was a video of an African tribesman performing the same stretch and he really wound his cock around that stick.

Guess what? I found the video: hxxps://

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I think in that case the guys is just rolling is foreskin though; the stretch isn’t similar either.

The guy is Indian not African, by the way.

Originally Posted by marinera
I think in that case the guys is just rolling is foreskin though; the stretch isn’t similar either.

The guy is Indian not African, by the way.

My answer came in 2 parts. My first memory was African and after I found the vid and saw he was Indian, I didn’t go back and change my memory response. I still think there may be a vid of an African doing it! :)

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

:) Good chances there is some Africans performing the same trick actually.

If I could do that stretch, I wouldn’t need to be here. Here’s a suggestion for an additional name-“The Boa Stretch”

You have to take a very thin fulcrum. Say 1/8” diameter. Be very cautious though, it applies crazy force to the penis. ‘Boa Stretch’ is a good name, thanks for the idea.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
If I could do that stretch, I wouldn’t need to be here. Here’s a suggestion for an additional name-“The Boa Stretch”

Me neither. Hahaha.
When I can do that stretch I will retire.

June14: BPEL 6.5; MSEG 4.9; BEG 4.7. Jan15: BPEL 6.7; MSEG 5.3; BEG 4.9.

First Goal: 7 x 5

Marinera if that’s you I have to say you got some enormous nuts dude. Lol.

Originally Posted by gprent
It takes a really long cock to do that maneuver. The first time I saw it a long time ago was a video of an African tribesman performing the same stretch and he really wound his cock around that stick.

Guess what? I found the video: hxxps://

I couldn’t stop laughing.. LMFAO.
Question is though, this guy is a GURU of the sorts yeah, obvious the party trick, I have seen tribal videos of peoples lips hanging down to their chests, peoples ear lobes hanging down to their shoulders.
Sagging breasts, sagging skin etc..
I think this guy just has extremely sagging skin do to over stretching. But not any increase in penis size, and this guy has been stretching for a very long time.

Thanks for the good explanation of this stretching exercise. I like it and I think I will try it out! I like stretching exercises that feel really intense and this one must be the a blaster for the tunica.

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Be very cautious Monochrome. This can really apply mad forces. Expecially if performed after pumping or other girth exercises.

The thinner the fulcrum, the higher the forces on small areas.

Originally Posted by marinera
Be very cautious Monochrome. This can really apply mad forces. Expecially if performed after pumping or other girth exercises.

The thinner the fulcrum, the higher the forces on small areas.

Yes I will mariners! Thanks again.

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Sorry! marinera it should be..

You say this is effective after pumping and how many days a week do you think this stretching exercise should be performed?

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

That can vary from guy to the next; specific personal traits, intensity applied etc, etc, all have to be taken into account. If done after pumping I would perform it every other day at most for the first 1-2 weeks; then you can guess by yourself how often it is optimal for you.

Be also aware that once performed the first spiral, the next spirals will push on your urethra, so you need to learn the technique and be careful to not damage the urethra.

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