Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The urge to do more

The urge to do more

I know there is a thread out right now about jelqing, but this is a slightly different topic so I didn’t want to change the point of that thread.

After reading a lot about jelqing, how to/how long how often.etc. I have seen a few different viewpoints. And some of the same viewpoints. I have jelqed in the past (as a newbie) and haven’t had significant gains since I stopped-so I am going back to a routine with jelqing.

I am currently doing 15 minutes/250 5 second strokes for one week now.

Here is my main question: Should I do more than this? I have read a lot about jelqing often and every ‘8’ hours is best, because the point is to try to make the penis stay in the pumped up phase that it gets in, so you train it to stay that size.I have also read that less is better, and 10-15 minutes a day is sufficient for the first few weeks.because the penis needs rest.

I have such an URGE to do more than 15 minutes though, I just sit here and think, damn I’ve already done my jelqs today, sitting here can’t be doing anything for making my cock bigger-why not just jelq some more? I have the time, and I am willing and able!?

In all reality, and all actuality—is less better, or is more better? Because I am getting two different viewpoints one in which the penis needs rest from jelqs=less is better, and another view that says to jelq twice a day to keep the penis in the pumped up state as much as possible=more is better.

I have just been frustrated with minimal length gains-especially from the past 7 months of hanging (all the freakin wasted time) and I am trying to start a routine.and do it properly, to try and give myself the best chance possible for gains.because I am after length. I want to do it right, so I have no excuses, or thoughts about if I was or wasn’t doing the exercise correctly.

Thoughts on this topic would be GREATLY appreciated

I think twice a day shouldn’t really be that bad. Considering you stick to about a 15min routine in the morning and then evening. As long as you don’t overdo it, and not get too rough and hard, it could be alright. But also make sure you take at least 1 day off in a week, if not 2.

During the day, I will try to slot in a couple of stretches or jelq if I can. And I think most people here tend to last their jelqing session more then 15 mins anyways.

Anyways, that’s just my thoughts.

Definitely getting bigger.

i am also a bit confused on the heal time

i hear some say that adiquit healing time is a must

but others say that you never want your penis to fully heal


No other ideas/thoughts?



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