Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

This question may not sound serious but it is


This question may not sound serious but it is

I hope this is an okay place to put this thread. I apologize in advance if it should go somewhere else. Anyway, I am still new here. Only been PE’ing for about a month and my wife does not know about it. I need some help/suggestions on what I am going to tell her when she starts noticing a difference in my size. I am not naive and think that I and just going to grow a couple of inches in a month or 2 but I am confident that I will gain as I have already begun to see slight gains. Maybe this is too early to even be worried about but 6 months to a year down the road I do kinda expect to be noticeably longer. I am working on length as I am somewhat content in my girth so it is something that I think she would eventually notice and ask questions about. Anyone have any similar problems? I feel like if I told her about this site she would think it was porn related or something. Thanks to all again for an awesome site.

Tell her you found some info on improving male sexual health that had a side effect of making your dick bigger, so you thought you’d give the exercises a try and by jove, they worked!

Or tell her your apparently a late bloomer :)

I feel as though you have to tell her. She will probably catch you in the middle of your exercises before she notices any growth and then what are you going to say? I had a hard time starting without telling my wife believe it or not I didn’t want her to get upset. It wasn’t exactly easy for me since I had mentioned wanting a larger cock a few times before in which she always responded, “no, your perfect just how you are, you would kill me if it was any bigger!” But I just came out and explained it was something I wanted to do (size fetish?) and eventually said yes. I just feel as though if she caught you in the act that she might construe it as something its not, like she may be thinking your trying to please someone else. Remember a marriage is about honesty and being open with each other and this is definately one of those things that needs to be discussed. Just my 2 cents.


Originally posted by ezekiel999
I feel as though you have to tell her. She will probably catch you in the middle of your exercises before she notices any growth and then what are you going to say? I had a hard time starting without telling my wife believe it or not I didn't want her to get upset. It wasn't exactly easy for me since I had mentioned wanting a larger cock a few times before in which she always responded, “no, your perfect just how you are, you would kill me if it was any bigger!” But I just came out and explained it was something I wanted to do (size fetish?) and eventually said yes. I just feel as though if she caught you in the act that she might construe it as something its not, like she may be thinking your trying to please someone else. Remember a marriage is about honesty and being open with each other and this is definately one of those things that needs to be discussed. Just my 2 cents.


Maybe so, I’m just still not sure. I have told her that I want to be bigger and she, like your wife, said no you’re perfect, but I would definately feel better about myself. It’s kinda weird, I guess its selfish because if she is happy with it then why do I want it bigger. No other females will ever see it. Hmmm. She is pretty insecure herself and like I said she would probably think it had something to do with porn (which she LOATHES).

Tell her you just found out about this “Penis Enlargement stuff” and youre just giving it a try to satisfy a natural curiosity. It’s free, doesnt take much time to do and heck if it works you’ll feel soooo much better about yourself….you could go on about how your penis size makes you insecure and if you could just make it a little bigger (she doesnt have to know how much bigger) you’d feel so much better about yourself. Or, you could just be a man, put your foot down, and say “Hey baby, I’ve descided to do some exercises that may make my dick a little bit longer…I dont know if they’ll actually work or not yet but, my erections are stronger than theyve ever been since I’ve started them and I’m just gonna see if they work…..besides, I know you support me in everything I do just like I support you in everything you do baby.” If she starts feeding you anymore of that “But baby, your penis is fine….” B.S. Just say something like “I’m just gonna give it a whirl for a while and if nothing else baby, I’ll have a much healthier penis and we’d BOTH like that wouldnt we?”

Originally posted by RB

Or tell her your apparently a late bloomer :)

Worked for me…


I really am not sure still how exactly I found this particular site, but I know that when I started this quest I was looking through a Men’s Fitness mag and in the back they had a couple of ads on penis enlarging via pills. I went to a couple of their sites and noticed that basically all of them recommend some types of stretching exercises along with the pills. That is when I first heard the term jelq. I guess I basically ran a search on jelq and started getting some more info. I ran into tons of pay sites but I figured if this is for real then there has to be some info out there that you don’t have to pay for. So I guess that is basically how I got here. All that being said I still wouldn’t want her to know about this site specifically. Maybe I can just tell her that I have found some information on some stretching techniques that are supposed to help you get a larger penis. I don’t know. Not gonna stress about it—-not for a while anyway.

By the way, have I mentioned what a great site we have here. lol


I kept pe a secret from my wife for nearly a year I had great gains. So it is possible. I think that the gains were gradual enough that she didn’t really detect a difference. The decision to tell a wife about this is a highly personal matter and there may be good reasons to hold off for a while, only you know the answer to that. At some point it will be in your best interest to tell her, at that point I would not take the approach where it seems that you are asking permission. What I did was tell thewife

and stated what gains I had made thus far (therefore eliminating the it doesn’t work discussion), and that I wanted her support and a little privacy to do my exercises and that the gains and improvement in my stamina and erection made me feel much more adequate as a man. Thus you will be tapping into the natural female nurturing tendency and asserting control over your own body rather than asking permission to get a bigger dick and then maybe tempted to try your improved tackle out on someone else (yes I think this would be the main concern of wives and gfs if they found out about pe). So weigh your options, I will say that they all tell you that you are perfect the way you are no matter where you are. It is a little white lie that they tell you but actually they mostly believe it themselves. Women live in a much more subjective world than we do and they are able to adjust their perception of things to thier comfort level. So keep on pe’ing, look for the right opportunity to get her in your cheering section. In the meantime I bet a search of this site using the word “stealth” will get you lots of info.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I got the “your fine just how your are” crap initially as well. I saw right through it, her just trying to make me feel better, looked at the physiology of our genital match up, and knew she would enjoy the sensations a much larger dick would bring about. So i persevered.

Last night we pulled into a Hardee’s, they had a big sign in the windo touting their big chicken sandwich that was headlined “Size Does Matter” or something similar. I turned to her and said “They say size matters, what do you think?” She responded, exact words, “You’re fucking right it does”. I just smiled, knowing I have lot’s more pe in front of me. I just can’t wait for the day when I impale her and stretch her just below the point of pain, and sinking so deep into her that she feels like she’s been staked to the mattress. I can already imagine the look on her face, which I’ve seen glimpses of since getting good gains, and it’s priceless…

Originally posted by RB
I got the “your fine just how your are” crap initially as well. I saw right through it, her just trying to make me feel better, looked at the physiology of our genital match up, and knew she would enjoy the sensations a much larger dick would bring about. So i persevered.

Last night we pulled into a Hardee's, they had a big sign in the windo touting their big chicken sandwich that was headlined “Size Does Matter” or something similar. I turned to her and said “They say size matters, what do you think?” She responded, exact words, “You're fucking right it does”. I just smiled, knowing I have lot's more pe in front of me. I just can't wait for the day when I impale her and stretch her just below the point of pain, and sinking so deep into her that she feels like she's been staked to the mattress. I can already imagine the look on her face, which I've seen glimpses of since getting good gains, and it's priceless…

Damn RB, sounds to me like you want to kill her. lol. I will persevere. Just bought a few golf weights. Thought that would be worth a try while I’m at work.


Thanks. I think that you have hit on something there. It may be a little difficult to keep it from her for a real long time but if I make some real positive gains then maybe that would be the time to sit her down and tell her what I have been doing, when she can’t say that it won’t work or whatever. And she already knows that I am not completely satisfied with my little friend so that may not be so bad at all.

long2Blong, I have been a stealth pe’er for over a year, doing almost all of my pe at work in an office environment. I’ve gained over 3” in ebpl and 1.5” in eg. It can be done, as were there is a will, there is a way.

Kill her? Nah, just make her cry for her mommy :)

I told my wife right off the bat. I even showed her this site. I also told her to never ask me to stop no mater what. I all ready know that she enjoys it. After we fuck she looks at me then quickly looks at my dick then looks at me again. I can just see it in her eyes. The only awkward thing is PEing in front of her. She just sits back and acts like I’m not there it’s pretty funny actually.

Thanks for all of the encouragement and advice. Still not sure what I am going to do exactly but I know that I am not going to stop.

Originally posted by RB
long2Blong, I have been a stealth pe'er for over a year, doing almost all of my pe at work in an office environment. I've gained over 3” in ebpl and 1.5” in eg. It can be done, as were there is a will, there is a way.

Kill her? Nah, just make her cry for her mommy :)

So you’ve put on 3” in stealth mode and she hasn’t had any questions for you. I mean, that like almost half my dick you’ve gained there.


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