Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Time doing PE


Originally posted by malinakjason
Yes you are probably right but how would you know if you are over training

When your dick falls off ofcourse. :)

That’s a tough question, if you cannot regain an erection after a few hours, or is your penis hurts then you overtrained. Just take it easy and learn your limits. Make sure you dont go too far past them and you should be fine. Try and get at least two days rest every ten days or so.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?


I think the big danger with a homemade pump is probably the absence of a pressure gauge. For somebody who’s never pumped (such as myself), they would have no idea how much pressure to use - and could end up injuring themselves (possibly severely).

I have no immediate plans to pump, but if I did I’d buy a quality pump - it’s the least I could do for my one and only penis.

Ya gardnier90,

I agree that sounds about right if you overtrain. For me tahts what has been happening I havent been able to get an erection for a while not that I have tried lol but it does hang big after I am done pe. It is very discouraging seeing people gain 1/4 an inch in girth in three weeks when I have been trying hard for the last 4 months with nothing to show lol.


you gained over two inches in length in a year so . So why the belly aching? You have gained a great deal already even in girth . .75 is a good amount of girth in one year.More then most have gained who have done PE for the same amount of time (and many for much,much longer).

About the lenght gains:
If you have truly made these length gains you claim of in a year , you must have been doing other exercises then the ones you mentioned earlier. I say that because most of those exercises have not even been around for a year?
I get the sense that many people exagerate thier gains significantly in order to establish credibility or attention.I am not saying you are but because you are a new member and your “gains” are amazing ,I have to be suspect. Expecially when you are worried about making girth gains when you have made a great deal girth gain already. Whatever the case I wish you well in your endeavors.

Last edited by jman : 08-10-2003 at .

Bro relax be happy you have made almost unheard of gains in one year you should be very pleased with yourself. It took me 3 years to gain 2 inches in length and 1 in girth. The reality is most people gain slow a lot slower than you.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

If you’ve gained all that in one year, you’re probably not overtraining 3/4” girth is a lot, don’t underistimate it.

Ok , I am about to go out and buy parts. What time of day do you suggest I do my pump? I do a 3-6 hr pm routine . in the morning .

PS some of us people have a spelling disadvantage ,apparently I did not go to school and I am trying to make up for it know.:}

Wow this shit works!

Originally posted by wadzilla
I think the big danger with a homemade pump is probably the absence of a pressure gauge.

The pump comes with a pressure gauge.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Originally posted by Fattire
What time of day do you suggest I do my pump? I do a 3-6 hr pm routine . in the morning .

I would suggest you pump in the evening. That way you can be completely flaccid during your stretching routine. Read Avocet’s article Pumping 101 here.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Thanks for the reply guys and yes I did other things before my current workout I actually started when i was 17 and did it for 3 months straight then took a year off then the summer after my freshman year in college another 3 and of course next summer 3 more and now 3 more. LoL I started out doing Jelqs and alone stretches, then to a circular stretchign where I woudl stretch everywhere and make sure I would hit every spot. I did this all for a year but not at the same time thats probably why I have gained. So I guess I have known about pe for 3 full years lol. I only have worked on peing though for a year.


Don’t worry about not knowing I am a her instead of a him. I always have visions of the embarassed look on the faces when they hear that. Don’t fret about it.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


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