Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Time for a break.

Time for a break.

I took some measurements today – pre-workout, of course – and the results were mixed. I was obviously glad to have broken a stubborn-assed length plateau, hitting 187 mm BPEL (7.36”) – but I lost some girth! :/

What the hell?

I measured & re-measured several times, but I’m only hitting 155 mm mid-shaft now – about 6.1 inches. That’s not bad obviously, but it is a loss nonetheless.

However, I’d totally neglected girth for quite a long time now, as length is my main quest. Since I gain girth easily, I’m not too concerned (I can always refocus on girth later once I’ve hit my length goals).

I think this is probably a good time for a break. I’ve recently completed training for a new job, and I have very little free time as of late. Tough to PE, tough to get online. After hitting a new BPEL mark, I’m going to take a break for a while….

August 2002: 6.12 x 5.2 = 13.17 ci

Dec. 2003: 7.36 x 6.1 = 21.79 ci (65½ % more kyack)


Don’t kid yourself your a pe junky like me guys like us like to think we can stop but we can’t. I give you a week tops. Good luck with the new job.

Dino :D

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I would bet my money on Dino’s “week tops” assessment too. I myself only manage breaks when I injure something, despite trying really, really hard. But just in case you are a better man than I in the self-control department, good luck with the new job and I hope to see you back soon.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

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