Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Told Father about PE

Originally Posted by MetaMorpho
Friday I told my youngest son (32) that I had a bad self image because of my penis size. He immediately tried to difuse me by replying that the issue was so “superficial”. I told him to hear me out and I went on to explain how I am now doing PE gained some size and gained enough knowledge and confidence to know that I am not small and never was. I explained how his mother had done it to me by commenting that I must be joking if I thought I was giving her six inches. I also told him how I don’t blame his mother and understand that she was teasing and being herself. I took ownership of that self image problem. It was very good to get out and talk with someone about it. We continued with the conversation as he pointed out how pornography does this to society. He is a very level headed young man and took it with an open mind. Things are good in the neighborhood! :)

Thanks for inspiring me to do this higherone! :Thumbs:

Guys we live in a strange word conditioned too much by internet. We lost the reality. You were 5,9 inches, more than average so ,if it wasn’t for internet you wouldn’t have thought you were small. You were not small, the word is getting crazy. You do PE for your-self, your confidence, your health not to show others you are 2 inches longer. Your son hit the point when he mentioned pornography.

Originally Posted by laudan89
Guys we live in a strange word conditioned too much by internet. We lost the reality. You were 5,9 inches, more than average so ,if it wasn’t for internet you wouldn’t have thought you were small. You were not small, the word is getting crazy. You do PE for your-self, your confidence, your health not to show others you are 2 inches longer. Your son hit the point when he mentioned pornography.

I thought I was small well before the internet hit, just saying.

Fathers day tomorrow and dad is long gone, but who knows what we would be talking about now.

We used to talk about Goethe and Bertrand Russell and so I’ve many times thought that with him reading all that small dick shit, it would have been refreshing to have heard him laugh that spontaneous laugh of his one more time!

I’m dad now and maybe one of my guys will bring PE up with me one day.

Then I will laugh, for different reasons.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Regardless of if you let your dad or sons in on PE, it’s more important to have the kind of relationship where you can talk man to man about things.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Shortly before my dad died, my parents came to visit us. I think it was during my PE period (4 months), maybe immediately after.

We hadn’t seen each other naked since I was in my twenties (20 years before), but he knew my dick was as small as his, would never show when clothed.

My stealth PE routine involved hanging weights inside of sweat pants, so I had taken to wearing sweat pants around the house. My parents were seated for breakfast when I walked by, and I saw my father’s distinct double-take at my bulge close to his eye level. We all went on a picnic up a mountain nearby and it was surprisingly chilly. When I said I had to go take a leak (outside), he said “I probably couldn’t find mine” in a joking way.

I would love to have been able to tell him about my success and inventions (he had several patents) and how I’d been able to help other guys, but that was still several years in the future. I don’t regret not telling him; we didn’t have that much time together that visit, and I hadn’t even told my wife. After all, this was 1996, when penis enlargement “did not exist” ;-)

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
Shortly before my dad died, my parents came to visit us. I think it was during my PE period (4 months), maybe immediately after.

We hadn’t seen each other naked since I was in my twenties (20 years before), but he knew my dick was as small as his, would never show when clothed.

My stealth PE routine involved hanging weights inside of sweat pants, so I had taken to wearing sweat pants around the house. My parents were seated for breakfast when I walked by, and I saw my father’s distinct double-take at my bulge close to his eye level. We all went on a picnic up a mountain nearby and it was surprisingly chilly. When I said I had to go take a leak (outside), he said “I probably couldn’t find mine” in a joking way.

I would love to have been able to tell him about my success and inventions (he had several patents) and how I’d been able to help other guys, but that was still several years in the future. I don’t regret not telling him; we didn’t have that much time together that visit, and I hadn’t even told my wife. After all, this was 1996, when penis enlargement “did not exist” ;-)

I think a lot of us hold back because it is a sensitive subject for a lot of guys.

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!


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