Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

too much?

too much?

hey, well i started PEing again. I started back about 1.5 weeks ago and have never taken a rest day. My routine is a very simple one. On monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday I do about a 2 min warm up with a hot wrap, and then do about 5-7 mins of stretching followed by another hot wrap in the morning and at night. and then on saturday and sunday, i do about 5 mins hot hot wrap, 7-10 jelqing, 7-10 stretching followed by another 5 mins hot wrap. i do that in the morning and at night.

now here is my question. Since i take it easy on the weekday with only stretching, and go intense on the weekend, do i really need a rest day? does anyone else in here not take rest days?


~¥¤GBB\'s Stats¤¥~ --------------------------- Currently: NBEL = 7" EG = 5" Goal: NBEL = 7.5" EG = 6"

How sexually active are you? I think that would have a lot to do with when you take your days off. You want to be at full strength when the times comes. It doesn’t sound like you go at it too hard on weekdays yet, so I wouldn’t think you’d need very much rest until you bump up your routine. I stretch at random times throughout the day, even on my rest days. I haven’t seen any negative effets of doing that.


Started 5.75 x 4.75 Goal: 7 x 6! <-- Started with a piglet, want a HOG


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