Took a Break From P.E., Now Back, Doing Horrible
I took a few weeks off of P.E. completely. Got back into it, just regular slow jelqing about 25-35 jelqs hot wrap before/during/after, and I’m having erection problems. Flaccid size is down, erections suck feel thinner than usual, everything is awful. I don’t know what else to even try. I know P.E. works but I feel like the negatives lately are outweighing the positives.
The only thing that really seemed to do much for my was Ace bandage wrapping, a few sets of 10 minutes with a hot wrap all throughout. But that didn’t do much for my length, just girth. Maybe doing this 2 days on 1 day off and monitoring my discoloration, etc. would help? I just want a large, healthy unit. :(